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Philippine Standard Time:
03 March 2025, 11:45 AM

Summary of Contracts Awarded 2016

Title Contractor / Supplier Contract Amount Contract / P.O. No. Date
1 Notice of Award for Lease of Venue for MISTG Strategic Planning Camille Thea Illustre  74,000.00 2016 – 11 – 00095 Notice of Award: 11/24/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/28/2016
2 Notice of Award for Layout, Design and Prining of Newsletter “Aduana” Willie E. Nolledo  48,900.00 2016 – 03 – 00006 Notice of Award: 03/09/2016 Notice to Proceed: 03/09/2016
3 Notice of Award for Layout, Design and Printing of 2015 BOC Annual Report Antonio G. Ocampo  142,260.00 2016 – 08 – 00045 Notice of Award: 08/22/2016 Notice to Proceed: 09/09/2016
4 Notice of Award for Catering Services for Training Workshop on the Rules of Classification, Rules of Origin for Customs Personnel  Liza Padilla  57,600.00  2017 – 01 – 00006 Notice of Award: 01/20/2017 Notice to Proceed: 01/23/3017
5 Notice of Award for Supply, Delivery and Installation, Configuration, Testing and Commissioning of IP – Based CCTV System for the Bureau of Customs Gillian Nicole C. Alamani  70,900,000.00 BAC Reso 2016 – 53 Notice of Award: 01/17/2017 Notice to Proceed: 01/26/2017
6 Notice of Award for Repair and Renovation of ESS Headquarters  Edward Dexter L. Salvador  9,982,917.89 N/A Notice of Award: 01/16/2017 Notice to Proceed: 01/23/2017
7 Notice of Award for Procurement for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Air – conditioning Equipment Melvin R. Zabala  6,985,000.00 BAC Reso 2016 – 59 Notice of Award: 01/17/2017 Notice to Proceed: 18/2017
8 Notice of Award Provision of Janitorial Manpower Services  Joseph V. Angeles  22,582,812.00  N/A Notice of Award: 09/01/2016 Notice to Proceed:  09/01/2016
9 Notice of Award Operations Management Platform  Maria Fe Feriols  10,000,000.00    N/A Notice of Award: 12/29/2015 Notice to Proceed: 01/09/2016
10 Notice of Award Lease of Multi – Functional Photocopying Machines for CY 2016 Mary Ann Briones   3,595,200.00   N/A Notice of Award: 06/22/2016 Notice to Proceed:  06/24/2016
11 Notice of Award Cyber Security Project  DBP, Data Center, Inc.  65,888,123.00  N/A Notice of Award: N/A Notice to Proceed: N/A
12 Notice of Award Cloud Based Engineered Infrastructure Subscription  Pinky Tabil-Endozo  32,888,000.00  N/A Notice of Award: 12/29/2015 Notice to Proceed: 01/11/2016
13 Notice of Award Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of Two (2) Brand New Units Or Palletized Cargo X-Ray Screening System with Enclosures to Identified Warehouse of the Port of Manila and Port of MICP  Elmer T. Anuran  29,800,000.00  N/A Notice of Award: 9/19/2016 Notice to Proceed: 9/27/2016
14 Notice of Award  Renovation of Customs Building, Port of Davao  Noel G. Punu  3,200,020.94  N/A Notice of Award: 12/29/2015 Notice to Proceed: 01/11/2016
15 Notice of Award Repair/Rehabilitation of Plumbing System (Waterlines/Sewer Lines) of Common Comfort Rooms at OCOM Building  Regie S. Nujalda  479,000.00  2016-03-00014 Notice of Award: 3/28/2016 Notice to Proceed: 4/04/2016
16 Notice of Award Repair of Damaged Waterlines at Parking Area  Regie S. Nujalda  48,688.00  2016-03-00013 Notice of Award: 3/23/2016 Notice to Proceed: 4/05/2016
17 Notice of Award Repair/Replacement of Corrugated Roof Sheet at OCOM Extension Office  Jayson Y. Abelo  302,206.70  2016-03-00017 Notice of Award: 03/23/2016 Notice to Proceed: 03/23/2016
18 Notice of Award Training Provider for ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System  Hazel P. De Guia  33,600.00  2016-03-00018 Notice of Award: 4/7/2016 Notice to Proceed: 4/7/2016
19 Notice of Award Repair/Rehabilitation of Central Records Management Division  Ferdinand C. Bacay  450,633.79  2016-03-00010 Notice of Award: 3/23/2016 Notice to Proceed:  3/23/2016
20 Notice of Award Repair/Improvement of Comfort Room, Pantry, and Stock Room at Budget Division Ferdinand C. Bacay  390,759.47  2016-03-00011 Notice of Award: 3/23/2016 Notice to Proceed: 3/23/2016
21 Notice of Award Supply of Labor and Materials for the Repainting of Curbs and Gutter at BOC Compound Mia M. Dianco   148,890.00  2016-12-00110 Notice of Award: 12/21/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/30/2016
22 Notice of Award Repair/Rehabilitation of Revenue Accounting Division  Edward Dexter L. Salvador  420,359.00  2016-12-00112 Notice of Award: 12/21/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/28/2016
23 Notice of Award Repair/Rehabilitation of Chief of Staff Office  Edward Dexter L. Salvador  405,959.00  2016-12-00113 Notice of Award: 12/21/2016 Notice to Proceed: N/A
24 Notice of Award Layout and Printing of BOC Annual Report  Mr. Antonio G. Ocampo  142,260.00  2016-08-00045 Notice of Award: 8/22/2016 Notice to Proceed: 9/9/2016
25 Notice of Award Lease of Venue for the MISTG Strategic Planning Camille Thea Illustre  74,000.00  2016-11-00095 Notice of Award: 11/24/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/28/2016
26  Notice of Award Smart Television  Rico R. Gimeno  272,220.00  2016-12-00111 Notice of Award: 12/21/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/29/2016
27  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of Camera Liza L. Legazpi   208,100.00  2016-12-00114 Notice of Award: 12/21/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/29/2016
28  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of Scanner  Rowena Ibanez  123,000.00  2016-11-00088 Notice of Award: 11/14/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/27/2016
29  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of Office Uniform  Maria Regina T. Isla  29,250.00  2016-10-00076 Notice of Award: 11/4/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/16/2016
30  Notice of Award Repair and Maintenance of 2008 Toyota Fortuner DSL 4×4 3.0 4S  Dante Base  338,700.00  2016-11-00085 Notice of Award: 11/9/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/17/2016
31  Notice of Award Printing, Supply and Delivery of Collaterals for Information Campaign on CAO 02-2016 Imported Goods with De Minimis Not Subject to Duties and Taxes  Czes R. Aduana  127,500.00  2016-11-00099 Notice of Award: 12/7/2016 Notice to Proceed: N/A
32  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of XID Color Ribbon, Retransfer Film and PVC ID Card for BOC ID Production  Mr. George D. Gorostiza, Jr.  131,800.00  2016-10-00075 Notice of Award: 10/11/1016 Notice to Proceed: 10/11/2016
33  Notice of Award Procurement of Catering Service for Workshop on the BOC Rating Standard for SPMS  Maria Luisa Padilla  45,000.00  2016-12-00100 Notice of Award: 12/5/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/7/2016
34  Notice of Award Repair and Maintenance of Hammerhead Explorer Boat  Roland A. Maghanoy  123,453.00  2016-12-00116 Notice of Award: 12/23/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/28/2016
35  Notice of Award Procurement of Catering Service for World Customs Organization – National Customs Enforcement Network Training Workshop  Maria Luisa Padilla 47,600.00 2016-12-00101 Notice of Award: N/A Notice to Proceed: N/A
36  Notice of Award Procurement of Catering Service for Integrity, Transparency and Accountability  Maria Luisa Padilla  16,500.00  2016-11-00094 Notice of Award: N/A Notice to Proceed: N/A
37  Notice of Award Repair and Maintenance of 2007 Hyundai Starex Van 3.5 DSL  Dante Base  37,800.00  2016-11-00086 Notice of Award: 11/9/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/17/2016
38  Notice of Award Printing, Supply and Delivery of Poster for Information Campaign on CAO 02-2016 Imported Goods with De Minimis Not Subject to Duties and Taxes  Czes R. Aduana  140,000.00  2016-12-00108 Notice of Award: 12/20/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/23/2016
39  Notice of Award Geotechnical Report Services  Mr. Alodin Ain B. Santiaguel  150,000.00  2016 -11-00087 Notice of Award: 11/8/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/11/2016
40  Notice of Award Procurement of Catering Services for Bureau of Customs Collectors Conference  Ms. Tetchie B. De Jesus  106,000.00  2016-13-00109 Notice of Award: 12/20/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/20/2016
41  Notice of Award Procurement of Catering Services for Orientation Course of New Employees  Ma. Luisa Padilla  180,000.00  Contract dated April 26, 2016 Notice of Award: N/A Notice to Proceed: N/A
42  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of Ballpens  Mr. Jun Vicencio  270,000.00  2016-09-00063 Notice of Award: 9/23/2016 Notice to Proceed: 10/06/2016
43  Notice of Award Procurement of Catering Services for 7th Basic Customs Procedures, Rules and Regulations Seminar for Stakeholders (Importers and Exporters)  Tetchie B. De Jesus  139,000.00  2016-11-00098 Notice of Award: 12/7/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/7/2016
44  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of Sticker Paper  Mr. Benjamin J. Ventura  30,000.00  2016-09-00070 Notice of Award: 9/30/2016 Notice to Proceed: 10/05/2016
45  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery for Kyocera Toner Cartridges FS – C5100DN  Maria Jesusa P. Santos  25,424.00  2016-09-00060 Notice of Award: 9/19/2016 Notice to Proceed: 9/28/2016
46  Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of Sign Here Stickers  Ms. Czes R. Aduana  85,500.00 Notice of Award: 9/21/2016 Notice to Proceed: 9/28/2016
47 Notice of Award Supply and Delivery of  Electrical Supplies Jose Q. De Guzman, Jr. 393,853.50 2016-06-00030 Notice of Award: 06/27/2016 Notice to Proceed: 06/27/2016
48 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Hot and Cold Water Dispenser Edward Amoroso 470,000.00  2016-10-00074 Notice of Award: 10/07/2016 Notice to Proceed: 10/18/2016
49 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Plumbing Materials  Czes Aduana  178,985.00  2016-06-00031 Notice of Award: 06/29/2016 Notice to Proceed: 07/04/2016
50  Notice of Award for Printing of Property Tags Angelita P. Lopez  78,400.00  2016-04-00024 Notice of Award: 05/12/2016 Notice to Proceed: 05/12/2016
51 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Toner Cartridges Edith W. Jacinto 254,000.00  2016-07-00036 Notice of Award: 07/19/2016 Notice to Proceed: 07/19/2016
52  Notice of Award for Printing of Property Tags Christine Rose B. Fortaleza  98,000.00  2016-06-00032 Notice of Award: 06/29/2016 Notice to Proceed: 06/29/2016
53 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Storage Box with Lid Geronimo Dizon  150,000.00  2016-04-00021 Notice of Award: 04/26/2016 Notice to Proceed: 04/26/2016
54 Notice of Award for Daily Subscription of Newspaper  Jorge P. Diomampo, Jr.  124,202.40  2016-04-00020 Notice of Award: 04/25/2016 Notice to Proceed: 04/25/2016
55 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Medicines, Medical Supplies and Dental Supplies Benjamin J. Ventura  328,030.00  2016-05-00028 Notice of Award: 06/01/2016 Notice to Proceed: 06/01/2016
56 Notice of Award for Procurement of Catering Services for General System Preference+ (GSP+) Training Workshop Ma. Luisa C. Padilla  79, 650.00  NA Notice of Award: 08/21/2016 Notice to Proceed: 08/22/2016
57 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of XID Color Ribbon, Retransfer Film and PVC ID Card for BOC ID Production George D. Gorostiza, Jr.  131,800.00  2016-10-00075 Notice of Award: 10/11/2016 Notice to Proceed: 10/11/2016
58 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Rain Boots with Steel Toe Maureen Lou Legazpi  52,000.00 2016-10-00083 Notice of Award: 11/03/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/11/2016
59 Notice of Award for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Wired Conference System  Lynn E. Zotomayor  371,000.00  2016-10-00072 Notice of Award: 10/26/2016 Notice to Proceed: 10/26/2016
60 Notice of Award for Lease of Venue for Technology Architect Conference Kelvin Mark R. Patawaran  235,000.00  Contract Notice of Award: 03/29/2016 Notice to Proceed: 03/29/2016
61 Notice of Award for Training Workshop on the Rules of Origin (ROO) for Verification Procedure of Certificate of Origin on PJEPA and Other Free Trade Agreements Gerald Cruzat  182,500.00  Contract Notice of Award: 11/27/2015 Notice to Proceed: NA
62 Notice of Award for Lease of Venue for GFPS Strategic Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Meeting and Workshop Maria Fe P. Dacuan  257,600.00  Contract Notice of Award: 05/05/2016 Notice to Proceed: 05/05/2016
63 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Junior Executive Chairs and Executive Chairs  Prescilla Manguba  46,700.00  2015-12-00101 Notice of Award: Notice to Proceed: 12/17/2015
64 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of ID Lace with Double Wall Protector Alfredo F. Gemar  114,000.00  2016-03-00005 Notice of Award: 03/15/2016 Notice to Proceed: 03/15/2016
65 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Self – Inking Stamps  Silverio Pugalis, Jr.  45, 284.00  2016-07-00033 Notice of Award: 07/11/106 Notice to Proceed: 07/11/2016
66 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicle Batteries  Priscillo Sumagpang  137,694.00  2016-07-00034 Notice of Award: 07/15/2016 Notice to Proceed: 07/15/2016
67 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Kyocera Cartridges  Maria Jesusita P. Santos  442, 400.00  2016-07-00040 Notice of Award: 08/02/2016 Notice to Proceed: 08/08/2016
68 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Video Camera/HD Camcorder and DSLR Camera  Liza Legaspi  54,000.00  2016-09-00071 Notice of Award: 10/12/2016 Notice to Proceed: 10/12/2016
69 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Air-Conditioning Parts and Supplies  Roland Allan Gatmaitan  468, 750.01  2016-07-00034 Notice of Award: 11/18/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/25/2016
70 Notice of Award for Catering Service for Welcome Dinner for the 7th ASEAN Single Window Steering Committee Meeting (ASWSC)  Cecille Sarthou  54,169.50  Contract Notice of Award: 09/05/2016 Notice to Proceed: 09/05/2016
71 Notice of Award for Procurement of Catering Services for Orientation Course for New Employees Maria Luisa Padilla  180,000.00  Contract  Notice of Award: NA Notice to Proceed:NA
72 Notice of Award for Catering Services for Basic Customs Procedures, Rules and Regulations for Stakeholders (Importers and Exporters) Maria Luisa Padilla  132,000.00  2016-10-00078 Notice of Award: 11/28/2016 Notice to Proceed: NA
73 Notice of Award for Basic Customs Procedures, Rules and Regulations for Stakeholders (Importers and Exporters) Maria Luisa Padilla   118,000.00  2016-09-00064  Notice of Award: 09/26/2016 Notice to Proceed: 09/26/2016
74 Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of Souvenir Item (Messenger Bags) for 2016 WCO PICARD Conference  Theresa Joy P. Araneta  422,500  2016-09-00067 Notice of Award: 09/26/2016 Notice to Proceed: 09/26/2016
75 Notice of Award for Redeployment of XIS100XDV Baggage X-Ray Machine from NAIA Terminal 2 to NAIA Terminal 1  Christopher L. Flores  185, 703.75  2016-06-00029  Notice of Award: 05/31/2016 Notice to Proceed: 04/11/2016
76 Notice of Award for Repair and Maintenance of Air – condition Equipment  Ildefonso R. Acma, Jr.  452, 207.00 2016-11-00089  Notice of Award: 11/19/2016 Notice to Proceed: 11/23/2016
77 Notice of Award for Printing of Property Tags  Angie P. Lopez  98,000.00  2016-09-00061  Notice of Award: 09/20/2016 Notice to Proceed: 09/28/2016
78 Notice of Award for Procurement of Van Rental Services for the WCO Picard Conference Nemencio Venturina  135,000.00  2016-09-00066 Notice of Award: 09/28/2016 Notice to Proceed: 09/23/2016
79 Notice of Award for Printing of Property Tags  Christine Rose B. Fortaleza  41, 160.00  2015-12-00102  Notice of Award: 12/25/2015 Notice to Proceed: 12/25/2015
80 Notice of Award for Procurement of Catering Service for Orientation Course for the New Employees  Tetchie B. De Jesus  89,500.00  2016-11-00097 Notice of Award: 12/08/2016 Notice to Proceed: 12/07/2016
81  Notice of Award for Supply and Delivery of ID Lace with Double Wall Protector George D. Gorostiza, Jr.  96,000.00  2016-09-00069  Notice of Award: 10/04/2016 Notice to Proceed: 10/12/2016
82  Notice of Award for Printing of ‘Aduana’ Newsletter  Willie E. Nolledo   498,960.00  2016-03-00006  Notice of Awardn/aContract Date n/aNotice to Proceed
83  Notice of Award for Events Management  Ms. Deegee M. De Guzman  498,960.00  2016-02-00001 Notice of Award n/aContract Date n/aNotice to Proceed
84  Notice of Award for the Lease of Venue for the Conduct of BOC Techonology Fortification Program Launch  Lizette S. Sayco  500,000.00 Notice of Award n/aContract Date n/aNotice to Proceed

Republic of the Philippines

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