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Philippine Standard Time:
18 March 2025, 00:44 AM

Bid Supplement CY 2023

1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Operational Equipment for the Enforcement and Security Service (ESS)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Laptops for the Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Desktops for the Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Design and Site Development of Parking Area, and Perimeter Fence of the Bureau of Customs, Port of Mindanao Container Terminal (MCT)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Lease of Multi-functional Photocopying Machine
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Procurement of Janitorial Services
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Provision of Security Services for Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Three (3) Portal Type X-Ray Systems for the Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Repair and Renovations of Enforcement and Security Services (ESS) Building
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Three (3) Portal Type X-Ray Systems for the Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Standby Generator Sets with Accessories and Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) at MICP, Port of Cagayan De Oro, Port of Davao and Port of Subic
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Standby Generator Sets with Accessories and Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) at MICP, Port of Cagayan De Oro, Port of Davao and Port of Subic
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Revised Supply and Delivery of Operational Equipment for the Enforcemnent and Security Service (ESS)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Repair and Renovation of Accounting Division, Internal Administration Group (IAG)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Operational Equipment for the Enforcemnent and Security Service (ESS)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Repair and Renovation of Accounting Division, Internal Administration Group (IAG)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Procurement of Catering Services for Basic Course on Enforcement Batch 7
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Procurement of Catering Services for Basic Course on Enforcement Batch 7
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Procurement of Twenty-Five (25) Units of Passenger Van
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Provision of Security Services for Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Procurement of Janitorial Services
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Lease of Multi-Functional Photocopying Machine
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Provisions of Security Services for Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supplemental Bid Bulletin Procurement of Catering Services for Basic Course on Enforcement Batch 7
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supplemental Bid Bulletin Interior Renovation of Human Resource Management Division (HRMD) Office
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supplemental Bid Bulletin Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for Xray Inspection Project (XIP)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Structured Cabling and Wireless Network System for BOC NAIA and MICP Sites
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Supply and Delivery of BOC Office Uniforms
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of BOC Office Uniforms
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Procurement of Twenty-Five (25) Units Passenger Van
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Repair and Renovation of the Office of Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG) Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Repair and Renovation of Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group (AOCG), Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Design and Renovation of BOC Building, Port of Clark
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of of Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) Trunking and an IP PBX System, Collaboration and Contact Center Solution and Related Equipment
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Configuration, and Commissioning of BOC Multipurpose Private Cloud Infrastructure and Storage (XRAY and PSQA)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Design, Implementation, Installation, and Commissioning of OCOM Structured Cabling and Wireless Infrastructure
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Design, Development, Implementation and Support for BOC Enterprise Ticketing Solution
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of CT Baggage Scanner and Body Scanner for the Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of High-Performance Disaster Recovery (DR) Server for the BOC
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Structured Cabling and Wireless Network System for BOC NAIA and MICP Sites
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Maintenance, Managed Technical Support, and Software and Hardware Upgrade of the Core Relational Database Management System Components of the Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Provisioning of Server Storage Expansion for Existing Bureau of Customs Critical Applications
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for X-Ray Inspection Project (XIP)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for X-Ray Inspection Project (XIP)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of Laptops to the Bureau of Customs
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the Philippine Customs Modernization Project (PCMP)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply, Delivery, Testing, Installation and Decommissioning of New Existing Air Conditioning Units
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2: Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the Philippine Customs Modernization Project (PCMP)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment for the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the Philippine Customs Modernization Project (PCMP)
1 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Provision of Security Services for Bureau of Customs
2 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: Procurement of Janitorial Services
3 Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 1: – Repair and Renovation of General Services Division (GSD)

Republic of the Philippines

All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.

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