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Philippine Standard Time:
14 March 2025, 20:16 PM


August 4, 2020

for August 3, 2020 Publication

  1. All applicants must meet the minimum requirements of vacant position(s).
  2. The following are the required application requirements:
For Promotion – Letter of Intent (Form A)

– Updated and Duly Accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS/CS Form 212 Revised 2017) with attached Work Experience Sheet

– COPY of Authenticated Eligibility or issued by the Civil Service Commission; or COPY of Authenticated License (Rating and Valid Professional License ID) issued by Professional Regulation Commission; or Certificate of Admission to the Philippine Bar issued by the Supreme Court (with COPY of Official Receipt)

– Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCR) for the period January to June 2019 and July to December 2019

Human Resource Management Division (HRMD) through the BOC Customer Care Center (both located at the BOC Compound, Gate 3, South Harbor, Port Area, Manila)


Administrative Divisions/Units of the nearest Collection Districts

For Hiring/Transfer – Letter of Intent (Form A-1)

– Updated and Duly Accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS/CS Form 212 Revised 2017) with attached Work Experience Sheet

– COPY of Authenticated Eligibility or issued by the Civil Service Commission; or COPY of Authenticated License (Rating and Valid Professional License ID) issued by Professional Regulation Commission; or Certificate of Admission to the Philippine Bar issued by the Supreme Court (with COPY of Official Receipt)

– Copy of Performance Appraisal Report for the last two (2) rating periods (for government employees only)

Human Resource Management Division (HRMD) through the BOC Customer Care Center (both located at the BOC Compound, Gate 3, South Harbor, Port Area, Manila)


Administrative Divisions/Units of the nearest Collection Districts

  1. The prescribed Letter of Intent (Form A and Form A-1may be downloaded from this announcement.
  2. Please indicate the Position, Salary Grade and Place of Assignment being applied for in the Letter of Intent. Applicants are only allowed to apply for one (1) position per publication.
  3. All documents must be arranged accordingly (as enumerated in FORM A and A-1) and must be enclosed in a long brown envelope with the applicant’s full name written at the upper – left corner of the back of the envelope.
  4. For applications to be submitted through hrmd@customs.gov.ph, scanned copies of all required documents (including the accomplished Letter of Intent) must be attached in the e-mail, with the subject following this format: SUBJECT: 080320PUB_LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME_(POSITION APPLIED FOR)
  5. Applicants who previously applied to the same position as published in the subject publication MUST re-submit the required documents as indicated above.
  6. The deadline of submission of documentary requirements is on/before 20 AUGUST 2020 (THURSDAY).
  7. Pursuant to CMO 27 – 2016, BOC Merit Selection Plan, all candidates for promotion, including qualified next-in-rank, must submit the documentary   requirements within the prescribed period. Non – submission of said requirements on time shall mean waiver of their possible promotion.
  8. Applicants for promotion must be guided by the CSC MC No. 18, s. 2016 or the “Policy Guidelines on the Three – Salary Grade Limitation on Promotion” in choosing the position you wish to apply for.
  9. External recommendations SHALL NOT be included in the documents to be submitted for evaluation.
  10. Applications from Government Employees who are due for compulsory retirement on/or before April 2021 shall not be processed.
  11. Applicants who shall submit their requirements through courier and/or postal, must ensure that their requirements are complete and postmarked on/before 20 AUGUST 2020.
  12. Kindly be advised that applications with INCOMPLETE requirements will NOT be accepted and processed.
  13. Please be reminded that documents submitted to BOC – HRMD shall be deemed property of the Bureau, as such, retrieval and/or pulling – out of the same is subject to approval.

Click the following links for the lists of vacancies under the following Groups/Offices:

  1. Intelligence Group
  2. Water Patrol Division, Enforcement Group
  3. Port of Manila (Security Guard II)
  4. Port of Manila (Warehouseman III)
  5. Port of Limay

For inquiries contact the BOC Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB) Secretariat at 5271944/5273622.

Republic of the Philippines

All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.

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