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Notice of Public Auction Sale, Port of Cebu, 20 June 2016

June 13, 2016

Pursuant to the provision of Section 2601 to 2610 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, as amended, in relation to CAO 10-2007 dated November 28, 2007 and other relevant Customs Memorandum Orders, there will be a Public Auction Sale through Sealed Bidding to be conducted by the Auction and Cargo Disposal Division, Port of Cebu, on June 20, 2016, MONDAY at 2:00pm to be held at the Conference Room, Second Floor, Cebu Customshouse. The articles shall be available for viewing on June 17, 2016, FRIDAY at the rented warehouse by the Bureau of Customs located at OPASCOR Extension Yard.

In the event of failed bidding, the second auction date shall automatically be on June 21, 2016 at the same floor price without need of further publication/posting. When the difference between the highest and the second highest bid is within ten percent (10%) of the highest bid, clustering occurs. In such case, an open-bidding shall be conducted among the bidders of the particular sale lot who are present with the highest bid serving as the new floor price. Only bids raised by three percent (3%) more than the new floor price shall be considered and the highest bid in the open-bidding shall be declared as the winner. Otherwise, the highest sealed bid shall be declared as the winner.

Various Articles

Location: CIP Holding Area, Port of Cebu


Sale Lot No. 15-2016

Articles – 30X40 container said to contain Plywood

Consignee: Gcc Trading and R2h Trading

Date of Arrival: January 19, 25, 2015 and February 16, 19, 2015

Abandonment Proceeding No. 08-2016 – 10X40 containers

Abandonment Proceeding No. 09-2016 – 8X40 containers

Abandonment Proceeding No. 10-2016 – 2X40 containers

Abandonment Proceeding No. 11-2016 – 6X40 containers

Abandonment Proceeding No. 12-2016 – 4X40 containers

Container Van Nos.
TCNU4061910 TCNU5912260 TEGU6815356 TRLU7309600 WHLU5257728
WHLU5550340 WHLU5558450 WHLU5771552 YMLU8849805 YMLU8522957
YMLU8426906 TCNU6188441 YMLU8366983 DRYU9108030 TCNU5216220
CAIU8848854 TCLU5722339 YMLU8587460 TCLU8968096 YMLU8686652
FCIU8995853 YMLU8691303 SEGU4584982 YMLU8753344 TCNU6414024
YMLU8765469 TEMU7672321 YMLU8831175 WHLU5741075 GESU5453365

Floor Price: 280,000.00/container X 30 containers = PhP 8,400,000.00

Total Floor Price: PhP 8,400,000.00

Sale Lot No. 16-2016

Articles – One (1) Unit Used Motor Vehicle 2004 Lexus RX330 subject to Abandonment Proceeding No. 06-2016

Consignee: Ritchie Klink

Date of Arrival: August 27, 2015

Container Van No. TGHU1645700

Floor Price: PhP 896,201.00

Sale Lot No. 17-2016

Articles – 1X40 container said to contain Used Truck Replacement Parts subject to Cebu Seizure Identification Case No. 07-2015

Consignee: Jong Hap Trading Parts Inc.

Date of Arrival: November 22, 2014

Container Van No. HMCU9015969

Make Engine No. Chassis No. Color

Isuzu Dumptruck 6-Wheeler GHL1-320682 FRR35C35-7000475 White

Mitsubishi Canter Tanker 6-Wheeler 4M51-B54464 FE73EB-504594 White

Floor Price Isuzu Dumptruck 6-Wheeler – Php 430,000.00

Mitsubishi Canter Tanker 6-Wheeler – Php 380,000.00

Total Floor Price: Php 810,000.00

Not Subject to Issuance of Certificate of Payment

Sale Lot No. 18-2016

Articles – 2X20 containers said to contain Biz Phone Set subject to Abandonment Proceeding No. 18-2014

Consignee: Broadwater (Hk) Ltd. To The Order Of Citibank and Kada Food Corp.

Date of Arrival: February and March 20, 2014

Container Van Nos.

TEMU4930248 – Two (2) Pallets Tandy BIZ Phone BIZH535T consisting of 280 Sets X Php 3,000.00/Set = Php 840,000.00

FCIU4508480 – One (1) Pallet Tandy BIZ Phone BIZH535T consisting of 81 Sets X Php 3,000.00/Set = Php 243,000.00

Total Floor Price: Php 1,083,000.00

Sale Lot No. 19-2016

Articles – 2X40 containers said to contain PVC Crushed/Chips subject to Cebu Seizure Identification Case No. 77-2014

Consignee: Blue Impulse Trading

Date of Arrival: October 11, 2014

Floor Price: Php 1,074,168.00

Sale Lot No. 20-2016

Articles – 14X20 containers said to contain Tiles subject to Cebu Seizure Identification Case No. 64-2014

Consignee: City Walker Business Ventures, Inc.

Date of Arrival: July 5, 2014

Container Van Nos.

EMCU371223-8 1,304 @ 17 pcs/carton 300mmx300mm

EISU375594-7 1,304 @ 17 pcs/carton 300mmx300mm

LTIU305989-2 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton 600mmx600mm

FCIU338868-8 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

EMCU377484-1 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

DRYU237695-7 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

FCIU351081-5 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

TEMU204170-3 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

EGHU315269-5 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

IMTU304660-8 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

TCLU350491-3 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

EGSU308325-8 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

EISU375337-4 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

DRYU265497-6 1,000 @ 4 pcs/carton -do-

Total Floor Price: Php 4,024,563.00

Sale Lot No. 21-2016

Articles – 13X20 containers said to contain Rice (Animal Feeds) subject to Abandonment Proceeding No. 115-2013, 111-2013, 102-2013, 13-2016

Consignee: MMSM Trading

Date of Arrival: March 2013

Container Van Nos.
FCIU2715873 FCIU3991644 GESU2706080 GESU2435727 FCIU3186270
FCIU2377903 APZU3103402 TTNU1403884 APZU3516324 TGHU2567475
HMCU3025912 EISU3934731 TGHU0245700

Floor Price: 125.00/Bag X More or Less 6,500 Bags = PhP 812,500.00

Total Floor Price: PhP 812,500.00

As per results of laboratory analysis of Milled Rice and Glutinous Rice Samples inside the

13X20’ container vans conducted by the Grains Quantity Control Officer of NFA, Provincial Office, the stocks were recommended as ingredients for animal feeds.


1. Filing/submission of all participants (whether natural or juridical) accomplished and duly notarized Bidder’s Information Form, certified true copy of the latest Income and Business Tax Returns duly stamped “RECEIVED” by the Bureau of Internal Revenue with the validated tax payment made thereon and other documents such as ID, Community Tax Certificate, Business Permits, Certificate of Registration of Business Name issued by the Department of Trade and Industry or Securities and Exchange Commission and the above-mentioned requirements, not later than two (2) days prior to the day of auction.

2. For Sale Lot No. 15-2016, Interested bidders must be Accredited wood trader/importer by DENR and Member of the Philippine Wood Producers Association and with existing allocation under the wood industry rationalization program;

For Sale Lot No. 17-2016, Interested bidders must be a DTI Accredited Truck/Bus/Rebuilders;

For Sale Lot No. 21-2016, Interested bidders must be a BAI Registered as “Commercial Only M” Feed Miller/Mixed Feeds Manufacturer, Release shall be
supervised by ESS, CIIS and COA Representatives, Mayors Permit.

3. Payment of PhP2,020.00 Registration Fee (non-refundable).

4. Posting of a duly receipted bond in cash or manager’s check in an amount equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the floor price of the sale lot. The Bond shall be refunded to the losing bidder after the closing of the auction.

5. Registration with the Chief, ACDD, shall be done on June 16 and 17, 2016 before the date of the actual bidding; thereafter, registration is closed.

6. At the end of the bidding, the highest bidder shall be required to pay in cash/manager’s check equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the bid price “ON THE SPOT” upon announcement of the winning bid on top of the bond in cash or manager’s check as required in No. 4 hereof. The remaining balance shall be paid on the succeeding business day. Failure to make any of the payments as required shall disqualify the bidder from participating further in the auction sale and the negotiated sale thereof, if applicable. This is without prejudice to the forfeiture of the cash bond and other payments made and the imposition of other sanctions as may be warranted.

7. Payment with Manager’s Check to the Bureau of Customs, District Port of Cebu (BOC, POC) shall bear:

a. Pay to: LBP BOC EO IFO BOC FAO (Name of Bidder).

8. The Bureau of Customs, District Port of Cebu, reserves the right to ensure that only those who have complied with the herein enumerated requirements shall register and participate in the public auction.

Port of Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines, June 8, 2016.

Officer In Charge, Port of Cebu

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Republic of the Philippines

All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.

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