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Philippine Standard Time:
14 February 2025, 22:13 PM

Enforcement and Security Service Introduces New Tactical Field Attire

November 12, 2021

To further enhance the execution of its mandated responsibilities while ensuring the safety of its personnel, the Bureau of Customs-Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) sported its new tactical field attire in a formation activity on November 12, 2021.

As frontline workers under the A4 priority group, BOC uniformed personnel render 24/7 duty in the exigency of public service. The Commissioner of Customs deemed it crucial that they are protected by way of tactical clothing gear as they are exposed to various elements during the execution of their operational responsibilities which are being conducted non-stop even amidst the pandemic.

The new Tactical Field Attire, in addition to the existing Customs Police uniform, shall be used in the ESS’s anti smuggling activities, and law enforcement operations, including, but not limited to the escort of incoming COVID-19 vaccines, service and implementation of Letters of Authority, site inspection/verification of consignees’ addresses, and carrying out of Mission Orders.

The design of the additional uniforms was endorsed by the BOC Commissioner to the National Historical Commission of the Philippines earlier this year and was subsequently approved.

The Bureau of Customs under the leadership of Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero remains committed to further boosting its operational capabilities while safeguarding the welfare of its personnel.

Republic of the Philippines

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