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Philippine Standard Time:
06 March 2025, 20:21 PM

Media Releases

Customs Plugs Revenue Leaks from Undervalued Freight Declarations

April 12, 2011

Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez has ordered the adoption of worldwide freight rate reference for containerized cargoes to deny tax cheats one of their age-old tricks for duties and taxes avoidance.

Customs Sues Importer Who Uses Fake Tariff-Free Forms and a Major Supplier of Telecom Products

April 11, 2011

On fake tariff-free forms

The campaign against the use of fake forms on tariff-free goods netted its first catch with the filing today of a smuggling case against an importer who submitted a bogus ASEAN Common Effective Preferential Tariff (ASEAN CEPT) form to support the non-payment of duties on her shipment of imported fabrics.

Customs Seizes 2M Worth of Onions Misdeclared as Juice

April 11, 2011

The Bureau of Customs seized today two containers of Chinese onions which the consignee tried to pass off as juice.

Customs Bans Entry of Poppy Seeds and Poppy Seeds-Containing Products

April 11, 2011

Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez ordered today the seizure of all imported poppy seeds and poppy seeds-containing products and the filing of criminal and administrative charges against erring importers.

Customs Foils P20 Million Coral Smuggling

April 11, 2011

Some P20 million worth of black corals, a protected species that cannot be legally harvested, were seized today on orders of Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez.

Jetti Petroleum Slapped with a P4 Billion Smuggling Suit

April 7, 2011

The Bureau of Customs filed today the 6th technical smuggling case it has built against oil industry players in a span of just 15 months.

Philippine Customs Concludes Bilateral Agreement with The Netherlands

April 7, 2011

The Republic of the Philippines recently inked the Agreement on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters with The Kingdom of the Netherlands at the Bureau of Customs, Port of Manila.

BOC Scores Anew Seizes P100-M Worth of Laptop Computers

April 7, 2011

Bureau of Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon today ordered the seizure of 100 million-peso worth of high-end laptop computers at the Port of Manila (POM).

Customs Seizes P20-M Smuggled Goods

April 7, 2011

Two companies which tried to bring in P20-million worth of misdeclared and undervalued goods now own the dubious distinction of being the first casualties this year of government’s sutained war against smuggling.

BOC Files Five Smuggling Cases in One Day

April 6, 2011

The Run After The Smugglers (RATS) Program of the Bureau of Customs netted one of the country’s major importers of steel and stainless products, three companies engaged in onion smuggling and an importer of general merchandise as the agency continues to wage an unrelenting campaign to make smuggling unprofitable.

Republic of the Philippines

All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.

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