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08 October 2024, 04:02 AM

BOC Commences Activities under the NSW Public Awareness Campaign Program

November 17, 2021

On 12 November 2021, the USAID ASEAN Policy Implementation (API) Project together with representatives from the Bureau of Customs (BOC) Office of the Commissioner (OCOM), Management Information System and Technology Group (MISTG), and Public Information and Assistance Division (PIAD), conducted a kick-off meeting to implement all activities stated in the NSW Public Awareness Campaign Program developed by the BOC, in close coordination with the National Single Window (NSW) Project Team. These activities are designed to raise awareness on the NSW and ASEAN Single Window (ASW) initiatives and to promote its benefits as drivers of trade facilitation and cross-border paperless trade.

The priority activities for 2021 will cover a documentation of the NSW Task Force for Cargo Clearance, the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) Regional Exchange, including the onboarding journey of Trade Regulatory Government Agencies (TRGAs) – its milestones and challenges.

To accelerate the implementation of the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD), the NSW Public Awareness Campaign Program will also include the development of tri-fold brochures and audio-visual presentations. These information materials will be circulated to all BOC Customer Care Centers (BOC-CCC) which serve as the BOC’s One-Stop-Shop and interacts with public and private stakeholders in compliance with the Ease of Doing Business Policy. Support trainings on ACDD implementation will also be conducted with BOC-CCC’s Customs Service Officers in 2022.

The BOC, as Chairperson of the National Single Window – Technical Working Group (NSW-TWG) pursuant to Executive Order No. 482, s. 2005, will continue its active role in the implementation of activities for the establishment, implementation, operation and monitoring of the NSW and the ASW in the country.

Republic of the Philippines

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