Through the combined efforts of the Bureau’s Action Team Against Smugglers (BATAS) under the Revenue Collection Monitoring Group (RCMG), the Port of Subic, and the Port of Cebu, the BOC successfully filed criminal complaints on 4 March 2022 before the Department of Justice (DOJ) against three (3) traders of alleged smuggled agricultural products amounting to over P25.8 million.
As part of the Bureau of Customs’ (BOC) drive against smuggling, the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service Field Office-Intellectual Property Rights Division (CIIS-IPRD) and BOC-Port of Manila seized smuggled counterfeit goods amounting to an estimated value of Php 80 million in Pasay City on February 28, 2022.
The BOC, through the Project Team for Strengthened Trade Facilitation Capacity Building, convened the 1st Meeting of the ARISE Plus Philippines Output-Specific Working Group 4 on “Strengthened Trade Facilitation Capacity to Implement the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA) and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO-TFA)” on February 28, 2022.
Deputy Commissioner Allan C. Geronimo of the BOC Management Information Systems and Technology Group (MISTG), and Vice-Chair for Technical Matters of the National Single Window – Technical Working Group (NSW-TWG) led the consultation and briefing session for the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) on March 03, 2022.
Finance Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez III lauded the Bureau of Customs (BOC) for its outstanding performance in 2020 to 2021 amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The Bureau of Customs – Port of Clark turned over, on February 28, 2022, various forfeited illegal drugs and marijuana-based products with an estimated value of Php Php 5,740,118.50 to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Region III.
Consistent with its mandate to collect lawful revenues for the country, the Bureau of Customs surpassed its February 2022 target collection by 17.4% or P8.734 billion, with an actual collection of P59.036 B against the P50.302B target collection.
The Bureau of Customs-Port of Clark, through its intensified border security measures and close coordination with CAIDTF, ESS, CIIS, XIP and PDEA, seized 5.4-million worth of Ecstasy tablets from Brussels, Belgium.
The Bureau of Customs and the Port of NAIA on February 10, 2022 received Plaques of Recognition from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) for the remarkable achievement having conducted a total of 57 drug interceptions amounting to P122.70-Million in 2021.
The Bureau of Customs Port of NAIA (BOC-NAIA) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) as part of the NAIA Drug Interdiction Task Group (NAIA-DITG) on February 24, 2022 seized ecstacy tablets and cannabis oils worth Php 926,075.00 in the Central Mail Exchange Center (CMEC), Pasay City.
All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.