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Philippine Standard Time:
12 March 2025, 12:27 PM

BOC-Port of Manila zeroes out overstaying containers in ATI Laguna

June 6, 2022

The Bureau of Customs-Port of Manila (BOC-POM) zeroed out all overstaying foreign containers at the Asian Terminals, Inc. (ATI) Laguna Inland Clearance Depot, an extension of the Manila South Harbor.

During the height of the pandemic, overstaying containers were transferred to inland depots to prevent congestion at the main ports.

POM District Collector Michael Angelo Vargas with his Deputy Collector for Operations Atty. Ma. Liza Sebastian and the team from the Auction and Cargo Disposal Division (ACDD) received Plaques of Appreciation from the ATI for their efforts that led to the successful auction, condemnation, and disposal of the 197 overstaying containers in ATI Laguna.

Zeroing-out the said overstaying boxes is essential in sustaining the safe and optimal operations of trade gateways and logistics enablers in the Philippines.

Through the guidance of Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero, the Port of Manila will continue to implement measures to expedite the disposal of all overstaying containers that will further improve trade facilitation and reduce yard congestion.

Republic of the Philippines

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