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09 February 2025, 22:12 PM

BOC Receives Recognition for Record-Breaking Seizures of Counterfeit Goods

June 7, 2022

The Bureau of Customs was recognized by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) on June 6, 2022 for its record-breaking seizures of counterfeit goods. The awarding took place at the Philippine International Convention Center, Metro Manila as part of the celebration of IPOPHL’s Silver Anniversary. Raniel T. Ramiro, Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence Group received the award on behalf of BOC.

The IPOPHL and the brand owners have recognized the BOC’s intensified efforts in preventing the proliferation and entry of counterfeit goods into the market. This recognition proves that the Bureau is steadfast in its mission of preventing the smuggling of counterfeit goods.

As a result of its intensified anti-smuggling campaign, BOC recorded 38 seizures of counterfeit goods with a total value of Php21.65 billion in 2021. For 2022, BOC recorded 23 seizures worth Php 3.77 billion as of May.

Furthermore, BOC encourages the public to use the 8484-text hotline in reporting information relating to corruption, smuggling, and other customs fraud. All information received in 8484 are treated with utmost confidentiality and are accorded appropriate actions.

Moreover, BOC strongly warns the public against unscrupulous fixers, posing as government agents to defraud importers by collecting “protection fees” so their shipment will not be alerted or inspected. The same may be reported to the BOC’s text hotline for prompt action.

Republic of the Philippines

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