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Philippine Standard Time:
10 March 2025, 10:16 AM

BOC Intelligence Group Conducts Governance Sharing with PCG

October 28, 2021

To fulfill one of the requirements of the Performance Governance System (PGS) Framework for its Proficiency Stage, the Office for Strategy Management (OSM) representatives of the Intelligence Group (IG), together with its local OSM, and in coordination with the members of its Multi-Sector Advisory Council (MSAC), conducted a governance sharing activity with the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to further enhance the intelligence capability of its personnel in maritime security on October 21, 2021, at the OCOM Conference Room and via Zoom Teleconference.

Serving as resource speaker, Commodore Allen J. Dalangin, Deputy Chief of Coast Guard for Intelligence and member of IG’s MSAC, led the activity by providing an in-depth discussion on PCG’s best practices, including border management, resolution of contemporary issues in maritime security, capacity building and modernization projects.

In attendance were several IG officials led by Jeoffrey C. Tacio, Director of Customs Intelligence and Investigation Division, and Raniel T. Ramiro, Deputy Commissioner of IG.

Other members of IG’s MSAC were also present including Atty. Jerome R. Bomediano, Chief of National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)- Special Action Unit; Ms. Zari B. Rodulfo, OSINT Analyst; and Ms. Laura Nebato, Deputy Director of Intelligence and Investigation Service of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency.

The Bureau of Customs, under the leadership of Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero, is committed to working with the Philippine Coast Guard and other partner agencies in its mandate to protect the country’s borders while ensuring continuous modernization of its procedures and processes.


Republic of the Philippines

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