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Philippine Standard Time:
12 March 2025, 12:24 PM


May 27, 2022

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) headed by Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero and Port of NAIA District Collector Carmelita M. Talusan on May 20, 2022, officially launched the BOC NAIA Exhibit Hall which highlights accomplishments on seized illegal goods, wildlife species and other contrabands.

“Everything displayed in the Exhibit Hall has its own story to tell. From the moment our frontliners profile the entry, to examination, up until goods are seized. I would like to commend our frontliners, our intelligence and enforcement team, our partner agencies, through the guidance of our Customs Commissioner, for the accomplishments, and bravery in continuing to enforce our customs laws especially in seizing drugs and apprehending violators, despite the threat and risks to our safety. ” Collector Talusan said.

“Let me just thank and congratulate the people behind this inauguration event. This is the first of its kind here in the BOC and I commend the Port of NAIA for coming up with this exhibit hall. This will not only be a legacy but a testament to what has been accomplished all these years.” Commissioner Guerrero responded.

The inauguration was also attended by Deputy Commissioners Donato San Juan and Raniel T. Ramiro, BOC officials, partners of the BOC-NAIA; the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) represented by NCR Regional Director Christian O. Frivaldo, the Philippine National Police (PNP) represented by the Chief of Intelligence and Foreign Liason Division, PCOL Rolando T. Portera, from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) represented by the Chief of Legal Unit Biodiversity Management Bureau, Atty. Theresa Tenazas, the Department of Agriculture (DA) – Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) and Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), Mr. Joseph Madrigal from PAIRCARGO, Mr. Sebastian Raeuber from TMW Inc, Mr. Promod George from DHL, Mr. Andy Uy from ECCF Pair, Mr. CJ Garcia from SGL Association, Mr. Jason Siy from PAL AIR CARGO and other partners.

Republic of the Philippines

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