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Philippine Standard Time:
04 March 2025, 01:27 AM

BOC Donates 80,000 Bags of Sugar to DA

August 1, 2023

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) donated 4,000 MT (80,000 bags) of forfeited Thailand White Sugar to the Department of Agriculture (DA) today, August 1, 2023, through the signing of the Deed of Donation and Acceptance.

Records show that subject donated sugar arrived at the Port of Batangas on 12 January 2023 on board M/V Sunward without the required Notice of Arrival. Consequently, the Port of Batangas immediately issued a Warrant of Seizure and Detention against the subject sugar and M/V Sunward, which were later ordered forfeited in favor of the government thru a Decision dated 14 April 2023.

Incidentally, pursuant to Paragraph D.1 of Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) Memorandum Circular No. 4, Series 2022 – 2023 which mandates: “[S]eized sugar with commercial value and capable of legitimate use may be disposed by the BOC through donation to government institutions”, the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Finance (DOF), DA, and the BOC entered into a Memorandum of Agreement.

Thereafter, on 21 July 2023, the Secretary of Finance approved the proposed donation of 4,000 MT refined sugar to the DA.

On 01 August 2023, the Deed of Donation and Acceptance was signed by BOC Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio and DA Senior Undersecretary Domingo F. Panganiban.

Witnessing the signing ceremony are officials from the DOF led by Officer-in-Charge Undersecretary Dakila Elteen Napao, with Jennifer D. Cruz, and Walter Fernandez; DA Assistant Secretaries Rex Estoperez, Kristine Evangelista and James Layug, Bureau of Plant Industry Director Glenn Panganiban, and SRA Administrator Paul Azcona.

In his message, Commissioner Rubio expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the untiring support of the DOF, DA and SRA in the donation process:

“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the DOF, DA, and SRA for your invaluable contributions, guidance, and unwavering support to BOC, which made this donation possible. We firmly believe that, through DA, this donation will reach various local communities and enable our fellow Filipinos to conveniently access sugar.”

The activity was also attended by Atty. Vener S. Baquiran, Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group, Atty. Clarence S. Dizon, Director of the Port Operations Service, Atty. Marlon M. Agaceta, Chief of Staff of the Office of the Commissioner, Atty. Nicolas R. Kyamko III, Chief of the Auction and Cargo Disposal Monitoring Division, Atty. Jinny Apostol of the Ruling and Research Division, Legal Service, Atty. Filemon Mendoza, Jr., Deputy Collector of the Port of Batangas, and Atty. Gerard Turiano.#

Republic of the Philippines

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