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WCO, BOC hold the Leadership and Management Development Workshop for the BOC Top Executives

April 6, 2022

The World Customs Organization (WCO) and Bureau of Customs (BOC) held the Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Workshop for the BOC Top Executives from 30 March to 02 April 2022. The Workshop was conducted under the framework of the WCO-BOC Mercator Programme.

The WCO Mercator Programme was launched by the WCO in 2014 to support Customs administrations in the effective implementation of the World Trade Organization-Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) in a uniform manner, using WCO tools and instruments. The Programme also encourages seamless cross-border trade—making trade quicker, easier, and less costly.

The WCO-BOC Mercator Programme, which commenced through a diagnostic in August 2019, includes a set of WCO-recommended activities, also known as the WCO-BOC Multi-Year Mercator Implementation Plan. The said Implementation Plan focuses on organizational development as cross-cutting enablers, as well as technical measures on border management. The conduct of the said LMD Workshop for BOC Top Executives falls under the said Implementation Plan.

The 4-day Workshop, focused on the following topics and sub-topics: (1) organizational development: tackling strategic challenges, maintaining strategic focus, and establishing a highly effective management culture; (2) executive team building: strengthening trust and commitment towards achieving organizational objectives; and (3) personal development: reinforcing personal leadership and management skills, attitude, and behavior. To ensure continuity, the executive team also took the opportunity to prepare for the transition to the new Customs administration in light of the upcoming 2022 Philippine national elections.

The Workshop was facilitated by the WCO LMD lead and experts: Mr. Arno Kooij, WCO-accredited LMD Expert; Ms. Aarti Saxena, WCO-recognized LMD Expert; and Ms. Karolyn Salcedo, WCO LMD Programme Manager, and was funded by the United Kingdom’s Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Trade Facilitation Capacity Building Programme. Ms. Donia Hammami, Executive-In-Charge of the said UK-supported programme was also present to supervise the Workshop.

The participants of the Workshop included the BOC Top Executives: Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero, the Commissioner; Donato B. San Juan, Deputy Commissioner, Internal Administration Group (IAG); Atty. Vener S. Baquiran, Deputy Commissioner, Revenue and Collection Monitoring Group (RCMG); Atty. Teddy S. Raval, Deputy Commissioner, Enforcement Group (EG); Raniel T. Ramiro, Deputy Commissioner, Intelligence Group (IG); Allan C. Geronimo, Deputy Commissioner, Management Information Systems and Technology Group (MISTG); and Atty. Vincent Philip C. Maronilla, Assistant Commissioner, Post-Clearance Audit Group (PCAG).

Republic of the Philippines

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