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12 March 2025, 09:48 AM

WCO, BOC hold the 3rd Capacity Building Workshop for the National Customs Trade Facilitation Champions

April 1, 2022

The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC) held the third (3rd) Capacity Building Workshop for the National Customs Trade Facilitation Champions (TF Champions) from 21 to 25 March 2022 in Manila, Philippines.

The series of workshops for the TF Champions aim to equip the BOC-nominated participants with enhanced knowledge and understanding of current trade facilitation measures, particularly those associated with the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). This is vital in capacitating the TF Champions in promoting and driving the trade facilitation agenda within the Philippine Customs Administration and ensuring a coordinated approach in the implementation of trade facilitation measures among various government agencies and private stakeholders.

The 3rd Workshop was a follow-through activity to the virtual workshops organized by the WCO in February and June 2021. As the final leg of the series of workshops, WCO experts Jonathan Fellows and Ozlem Soysanli organized exercises that enhanced not only the TF Champions’ working knowledge of the TFA, but also their facilitation, presentation, and coordination skills that are crucial in their roles as main contact points amongst all relevant stakeholders with respect to trade facilitation and TFA matters. The same occasion served as an avenue for the evaluation of the participants’ capability to become effective TF Champions.

The Workshop was attended by six (6) BOC TF Champions, namely: Atty. Noemi A. Garcia, Chief, Planning and Policy Research Division (PPRD); Atty. Julito L. Doria, Chief, Prosecution and Litigation Division (PLD); Atty. Christopher M. Inducil, Chief, Valuation and Classification Division (VCD); Christian R. Tibo, Supervising Customs Operations Officer, Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group (AOCG); Genilyn D. Minardo, Customs Operations Officer V, Post Clearance and Audit Group (PCAG); and Atty. Nicolas R. Kyamko III, Attorney II, Port of Manila.

In his opening address, Commissioner Guerrero said, “the continuing development of our six (6) National Customs Trade Facilitation Champions can only enhance the steady progress that has marked our trade facilitation agenda. With your participation and dedication, the Bureau’s efforts under the WCO Multi-Year Mercator Programme can only get better.”

The conduct of this workshopis one of the remaining activities scheduled to be pursued by the BOC under the umbrella of the multi-year WCO-BOC Mercator Implementation Plan. The enhancement of trade facilitation and the accomplishment of the WCO-BOC Mercator Implementation Plan are enshrined in the BOC 2022 10-Point Priority Program.

Republic of the Philippines

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