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Philippine Standard Time:
05 March 2025, 00:04 AM

Sub-port of Iligan: The first ISO Certified Sub-port in Mindanao

March 23, 2022

Bureau of Customs-Sub-port of Iligan, headed by Coll. Nasrudin D. Guro was awarded its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Certification by the TUVSUD Philippines on March 21, 2022.

Since 2020, the Port has been providing awareness and transition training to ensure a smooth transfer to the new standard. Published on November 4, 2021, changes incorporated in this current edition of the standard include a greater emphasis on risk-based thinking and a much simpler interface with other management systems.

The top management and employees of the Port exerted hard work, dedication, and commitment throughout its ISO Certification journey. Coll. Guro expressed his gratitude to everyone who has extended their help in achieving the Port’s milestone. He also asked for continued support and assistance as the Port continues to improve its operations and processes to better serve the public.

The Certification will significantly aid the Port to generate relevant, timely, and impactful customs services and continually improve the effectiveness of the Port’s QMS to meet stakeholders’ requirements, and comply with existing and applicable legal, statutory, and regulatory requirements.

Republic of the Philippines

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