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Philippine Standard Time:
06 March 2025, 20:22 PM

Smugglers On The Run; Abandonment Is The Better Part of Valor

April 13, 2010

Smugglers are finding it difficult to spirit their contraband out of the Bureau of Customs.

Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez said the tax cheats apparently have adopted the position that “abandonment is the better part of valor.”

After seizing 32 container vans loaded with white rice in Cebu and 20 containers of refined cane sugar at the Port of Manila at last week, Customs Commissioner Angelito Alvarez again authorized today the issuance of a warrant of seizure and detention against another 30 containers of sugar which have been abandoned by the importer.

In less than a week, the BOC has effected the seizure of more than 80 abandoned containers of rice and sugar worth at least P100 million.

Added Alvarez: “I believe this series of abandonment is proof that the controls we have put in place against smuggling are working and that many of our employees have started to believe that our declared war against smuggling and corruption is for real.”

A pattern has emerged, disclosed Alvarez, in which smugglers who thought it was still business as usual at the BOC are “learning the hard way that illegal importation is a risky and losing proposition under the Administration of President Aquino.”

When smugglers make that painful decision to abandon their illegal importations, we know that we have succeeded in planting in their hearts and minds the seed of fear and uncertainty.

There are now more than 200 abandoned containers of assorted commodities in the Port of Manila and the MICP.

Republic of the Philippines

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