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Philippine Standard Time:
12 February 2025, 21:25 PM

Port of Tacloban Convenes MSAC Coordination Meeting

November 1, 2021

The Bureau of Customs – Port of Tacloban on October 27, 2021, held the 3rd meeting of the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Council (MSAC) via Zoom Teleconference. Matters discussed included the Port’s performance for the 3rd quarter of 2021, updates on the accomplishment of the deliverables for the roadmaps and scorecards, and transformational efforts alongside thrust to improve the Port’s systems and processes through automation and modernization projects.

The MSAC, composed of selected sectoral leaders and representatives, is an external advisory group responsible for providing recommendations, external perspectives, and assistance to the Port in achieving its target performance.

Atty. Francis T. Tolibas, District Collector of the Port, formally welcomed the members to the meeting. He emphasized the importance of the attendance of MSAC members in the meetings and their strategic contributions for the attainment of the strategic goals of the Port. At the outset, Winston C. Aruta, Junior OSM Representative presented the minutes of the June 29 MSAC Meeting. This was followed by a presentation of the Port’s collection performance for the 3rd Quarter by Alvin Jose A. Yutangco, Junior OSM Representative. Winston C. Aruta, Junior OSM Representative presented the updates on the accomplishment of the deliverables for the roadmaps while Ma. Charine Q. Tañega, Senior OSM Representative presented the Governance Scorecards of the Port. The report also discussed the Bureau’s breakthrough results and accomplishments under the Performance Governance System (PGS), and the enhanced electronic systems of the Bureau.

The Port was commended by the Council for its achievements and efforts despite the pandemic. For his part, District Collector Tolibas expressed his gratitude to the Council and emphasized the significant role of MSAC in assisting the Port in the attainment of the strategic goals.

Republic of the Philippines

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