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Philippine Standard Time:
04 March 2025, 11:30 AM

Port of Legazpi for Week of April 24-28, 2017

April 28, 2017

For the last week of April, the Legazpi Port recorded three (3) filed entries which were also completed the same week all consigned to Goodfound Cement. The 7,200 MT of FGD Gypsum, 6,100 MT of Zinc Slag and 6,280 MT of Steam coal. There was also one (1) filed and completed export entry of Gold Dore. These totaled to seven (7) entries for the week April 24 to 28, 2017.

There was also one (1) reported alert order to Goodfound Cement with alert order no. A/OCOM-COMCEN/20120425-563 due to under valuation.

The Port of Legazpi also managed to start it’s to the campaign against email scams that has been victimizing many people especially in the provinces such as Albay and Camarines Sur. There are lots of queries at Port of Legazpi about packages taking too long to arrive despite payment of an amount to personal bank accounts wherein the sender is asking an amount of money so the receiver can claim the package at Customs. The campaign was thru printed ads posted, personally by BOC Port of Legazpi personnel, in public places within the vicinity of Legazpi like in Banks, ATM machines, government offices and Bus/Jeepney Terminals where thousands of people go in out which has a big possibility of people seeing it.

See copy of original document here.

Republic of the Philippines

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