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14 March 2025, 05:44 AM

Port of Clark awards Top 10 Revenue Contributors for 2016

May 2, 2017

It is a culture of the port to award its top revenue contributors annually. This year, as Port of Clark International Airport exceeded its target collection for 2016 and as part of the 115th Founding Anniversary Celebration of the Bureau, the port conducted the  2016 Annual Recognition of Top Revenue Contributors and Partners last April 24.

Present in the occasion was not only the representatives of each of the company awardees but also key persons from some of the ports major stakeholders and partners in service namely the Clark International Airport Corporation (CIAC), Clark Development Corporation (CDC) and Clark Investors and Locators Association (CILA).

Port of Clark employees and personnel headed by Acting Deputy Collector for Assessment Atty. Floro G. Calixihan Jr. and Acting Deputy Collector for Operations Atty. Noe L. Espenilla Jr. is seen in the photo with all the awardees and guests.

CIAC was represented through Engr. Darwin Cunanan, VP for Commercial and Business Development Group and Mr. Ritchie Nacpil, Manager for Airport Operations. While Atty. Noelle Mina Meneses, Manager-Trade Facilitation Division attended in behalf of CDC.

The awarding ceremony started after the regular Monday Flag Ceremony of the port.

Among the Top 10 awardees were Maxima Machineries Inc. contributing a total of Php 2,587,310 represented by Mr. Ernie P. Roselo, VP for Product Support; Engr. Darwin B. Romero, VP for Program received the award for Aerotech Industries Phils., Inc for its Php 3,078,203.00 contribution; HLD Clark Steel Pipe Co., Inc. ranked 8th for sharing Php 5,251,725 revenue to the port; 7th awardee is Talimunduc Corporation doing business through Honda Cars Angeles-Clark having a total contribution of Php 9,494,188.00; Philippine Batteries Inc. meanwhile shared a total contribution of Php 24,255,501.00 leading it to rank 6th among the top contributors.

Furthermore, Yokohama Tire Philippines also played a significant Php 27,454,389.00 contribution while Taiyo Nippon Sanso (INGASCO) Clark, Inc. shared Php 30,850,322.19.

Moreover, among the Top 3 revenue contributors were Trust International Paper Corp. (TIPCO) at Php 91,925,296.00, Viskase Asia Pacific Corporation at Php 128,035,198.00 and United Parcel Service Int’l Inc. (UPS).

UPS Operations and Border Clearance Manager Ms. Tessa Santos received the Plaque of Recognition from Acting Deputy Collector for Assessment Atty. Floro G. Calixihan Jr. and Acting Deputy Collector for Operations Atty. Noe L. Espenilla Jr. for being the Top Revenue Contributor for 2016 sharing a percentage of 61.59% of the total collection of the port.

UPS shared a revenue of Php 893,700,746.00 equivalent to 61.59% of the ports total collection for 2016. UPS is the world’s largest package delivery company and a provider of supply chain management solutions that is why it is not anymore a surprise for it to contribute the highest share in revenue. There to receive the award Ms. Tessa Santos, UPS Operations and Border Clearance Manager.

In a message by District Collector Maritess T. Martin, which was delivered by Deputy Collector for Assessment Floro G. Calixihan, she expressed her heartfelt gratitude in the immeasurable help of these various partners and stakeholders through the years in pursuing the port’s mission and vision. She likewise look forward for the continuous joint effort with these valued stakeholders in sustaining Clark’s track record of exceeding yearly collection targets.


Writer-Port of Clark
Approved by MARITESS T. MARTIN, District Collector

Republic of the Philippines

All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.

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