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06 March 2025, 23:23 PM

Philippine Customs Concludes Bilateral Agreement with The Netherlands

April 7, 2011

The Republic of the Philippines recently inked the Agreement on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters with The Kingdom of the Netherlands at the Bureau of Customs, Port of Manila.

Last February 4, Commissioner Angelito A. Alvarez signed the document on behalf of the Philippines, while Dutch Ambassador to the Philippines Robert G. Brinks represented The Netherlands.

The agreement establishes a legal basis in rendering assistance and the exchange of information between the two countries which helps ensure the proper application and enforcement of customs laws as to prevent transnational crimes especially between the Philippines and The Netherlands.

The agreement also aims to reinforce the spirit of cooperation and to complement and supplement existing instruments to achieve a more effective Customs cooperation.

Commissioner Alvarez said that the conclusion of the bilateral agreement is another manifestation of the BOC’s commitment to further connect the agency to as many customs administrations in order to realize the vision of a globally-networked customs to better serve all stakeholders.

Witnessing the ceremony were Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary Leslie J. Baja, Customs International Affairs Chief John M. Simon, with staff from the Royal Netherlands Embassy and the Bureau of Customs.

Republic of the Philippines

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