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13 February 2025, 23:38 PM

Notice Of Public Auction Sale (June 17, 2014 – MICP)

June 17, 2014


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2607 in relation to Section 2601 of the TCCP and CMO 42-93 dated August 27, 1993 and CMO 10-2007 dated 28 November 2007, there will be Public Auction Sale through SEALED BIDDING, to be conducted by this Port on June 17, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., to be held at the Ground Floor, Conference room, Office of the District Collector MICP Building, North Harbor, Isla Puting Bato, Tondo, Manila, the herein-described articles in lot. Said article shall be available for viewing on June 16, 2014
JAC Automobiles International

Lot No. 33-06-00-14
A.P. No. 0162-2014
Date of Arrival: 4-12-2012

1st advertisement


Floor Price: Php 1,629,731.20

Two(2) x 40’ containers containing
Four(4) Units JAC Sunray Coaster Van
White Color, model 2012 made in China

VIN NO: LJ16AB3C8C1500233

MOTOR NO: HFC4DA1232C4005799

Contr. No. GLDU7563666-40’

Location: ICTSI-CY
Acestar International

Lot No. 34-06-00-14
A.P. No. 0085-2014
Date of Arrival: 7-7-2013

1st advertisement


Floor Price: Php 92,160.00
Nine (9) Pallets at 32 cans per pallet
16 ltrs/ can of FLAMMABLE THINNER
TOTAL No. of Liters= 4,608 ltrs

Contr. No. TRLU8842722-20’
Location: ICTSI-CY
Kraft Foods Inc. Phils.

Lot No. 35-06-00-14
A.P. No.
Date of Arrival: 7-4-2011

1st advertisement


Floor Price: Php 160,300.00
“MORE OR LESS” 640 Bags of KRAFT BUTTER Milk Powder
At 25 kgs./bag “Fonterra” Brand
Total Net Wt.= 16,030 kgs.
Product of Australia
“FEED GRADE” almost Three(3) years in STORAGE

1. Bidder shall submit a notarized affidavit stating that they will take the risk on the auction item;
2. A BAI inspector/representative should be present during the bidding;
3. The Butter Milk Powder shall not be distributed commercially;
4. This shall not be sold or used for human consumption by the end user;
5. Portions of the Butter Milk Powder which are lumpy with musty and moldy odor shall not be utilized.
6. Bidder should be a BAI Accredited

Contr. No. TCKU1849760-20’

Location: ICTSI-CY
Evertrust Commercial Co. Inc.

Lot No. 36-06-00-14
S.I. No. 058-2014
A.P. No. 197-2014
Date of Arrival: 2-17-14

1st advertisement

Floor Price: Php278,000.00
One (1) unit used CBU, Right Hand Drive Isuzu Elf Truck 6 Wheeler 4WD, Blue Color
Chassis No. NKS 58G-7103730
Engine No. 4BEI-239323
“For Spare Parts Only No Issuance of Certificate of Payment”
552 pkgs. Mixed Groceries, Mixed Fruits from India

Location: ICTSI-CY
BAF Enterprises
BAF Enterprises
Vanguard Logistics

Lot No. 37-06-00-14
A.P. No. 0079-2014
A.P. No. 0074-2014
A.P. No. 0076-2014
Date of Arrival:

1st advertisement

Floor Price: Php580,000.00

1×40’ Containing various used household goods, personal effects, kitchen wares, Glasswares, Furnitures, wooden sofa w/curvings. Golf Club w/cases(CALLAWAY, DAKS, GOLDEN WEST). One(1) unit used 40” television w/ ent. Center, Used asstd. Rubber shoes for men, women, children, roller blades, PVC electrical flexible pipes in rolls etc.

1×40’ containing various used household goods, 1pc. Mountain Bike Nyun DAEBED Cushion Made in Korea single and double, clothes drawer w/32 various used shoes 1super See single Bed, 1 personal refrigerator w/11 pcs used shoes wooden cabinet, golf bag ceramic elephant, sofa other furnitures and household goods, washing machine, glasswares etc.

1×20’ containing three(3) wooden cases of various personal effects and household goods, asstd. Canned goods various toys, tooth paste, used clothes, ladies bags JVC tv w/ stand, bicycle, wooden cabinets, electric cooker, bed cushions, stuff toys, kitchen utensils, etc.

Contr. No. NSSU7034130-40’

Location: ICTSI-CY
Urgent Cargo Express

Lot No. 38-06-00-14
A.P. No. 087-2014
S.I. No. 05-2014
Date of Arrival: 3-6-2014

1st advertisement

Floor Price: Php1,127,923.00
18 Units used 2002 model Dialysis Machine
Germany w/o Manual nor accessories

“USED” almost 12 years of age

14 units used 2002 model Dialysis Machine
Germany w/o Manual nor accessories

Location: ICTSI-CY

Terms and Conditions of Public Auction:

Filing of Bidder’s Registration Form (with name, address and TIN) at latest two (2) days prior to the day of auction.
Payment of Php 2,000.00 Registration Fee (non-refundable).
Posting of duly receipted bond in cash or manager’s check in an amount equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the floor price for each sale lot. The bond shall be refunded to the losing bidder after the closing of the auction. The bond shall not, however, be required when the floor price of a sale lot is less than ten thousand pesos (P 10,000.00).
Registration on the logbook for registered bidders indicating the name, address and TIN to be made with the Chief, ACDD one (1) day before the date of actual bidding until exactly an hour immediately preceding the time of actual bidding; thereafter registration is closed
Submission of all participants, whether natural or juridical, together with the Bidder’s Registration Form the latest certified true copy of Income and/or Business Tax Returns duly stamped and received by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) with a validated tax payment made thereon.
Auction to be conducted through the sealed bids shall be submitted and opened in public by the Auction Committee at a time, date and place specified in the Notice of Auction Sale. The highest bid shall be declared as the winner except when clustering occurs.
Clustering occurs when the difference between the highest and the second highest bid is within ten percent (10%) of the highest bid. In such cases, an open-bidding shall be conducted among the bidders of the particular sale lot who are present with the highest bid serving as the new floor price. Only bids raised by three percent (3%) more than the new floor price shall be considered and the highest bid in the open-bidding shall be declared as the winner. Otherwise, the highest sealed bid shall be declared as the winner.
Payment of highest bidder in cash or manager’s check at least fifty percent (50%) of the bid price on the spot upon announcement of the winning bid as duly certified to by the Auction Committee and the COA representative. The remaining balance of 50% shall be paid on the succeeding business day.
Payments with Cashier’s / Manager’s Check / Cash to the BOC/MICP shall bear the following:
a) Pay to the order of Land Bank of the Philippines-BOC MICP E.O.;
b) For credit of the Bureau of Customs;
c) For the account of : _____________;
A failed bidding shall be declared by the Auction Committee when any of the following circumstances occurs:
a) When there is only one sealed bid, the same shall not be opened;
b) When there are two sealed bids but there is only one bid higher than the floor price
c) When highest bidder fails to comply with any of the payments required in Section 9 hereof, said bidder shall be disqualified from participating further in the auction sale and when applicable, the negotiated sale thereof without prejudice to the forfeiture of the cash bond and any payment made and imposition of other sanctions as may be warranted.
When a failed bidding is declared, the sale lot shall be offered in a second auction to be held on the third business day after the first failed auction at the same floor price without need of further advertisement/posting. In case of perishable goods, the second auction shall be conducted on the first business day following the first failed bidding.

For further details, please contact Gerardo M. Macatangay Chief, Auction and Cargo Disposal Division, MICP, Tel. No. 245-41-01 loc. 2283 or 247-09-77.

District Collector of Customs

Republic of the Philippines

All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.

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