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Notice of Public Auction Sale (July 17, 2014 – DAVAO)

July 17, 2014


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2601 to 2610 of the TCCP, as amended, in relation to CAO 10-2007 dated November 28, 2007 and other relevant Customs Memorandum Orders, there will be a Public Auction Sale through Sealed Bidding, to be conducted by this Port on July 17, 2014 at 9:00 AM to be held at the Training Room, 2nd Floor, Capacity Bldg., BOC, Sasa, Davao City. The articles shall be available for viewing on July 15 and 16, 2014 at 9:00 AM at the Sasa Wharf. In the event of a failed bidding, the second auction shall automatically be conducted on the third business day or on July 22, 2014, at the same time and place, without need of further advertisement/posting. When the difference between the highest and the second highest bid fall within ten (10%) percent of the highest bid, clustering occurs, in which case, an open bidding shall be conducted among the bidders of the particular sale lot, with the highest bid serving as new floor price. Only bids raised by three (3%) percent more than the new floor price shall be considered and the highest bid in the open-bidding shall be declared as the winner. Otherwise, the highest sealed bid shall be declared as the winner.

One(1) Lot of IMPORTED WOOD POLES, covered by Abandonment Proceeding No. 01-2014, particularly described as:

Quantity : Two Thousand Fifty Eight (2,058) pcs.;

Volume : 196.84 cubic meters;

Gross Weight : 290,530 kg.

Net Weight : 251,500 kg.

Recommended Floor Price = Two Million Two Hundred Sixty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Sixteen (P2,269,816.00) Pesos


Basic Guidelines:

Filing of the appropriate duly accomplished registration form on the date of viewing, July 15 and 16, 2014 at 9:00 A.M.
Payment of a non-refundable registration fee of Php 2,000.00.
Posting of a duly receipted bond in cash or manager’s check in an amount equivalent to 20% of the floor price or P453,963.20 on the date of auction. The bond shall be refunded to the losing bidder after the closing of the auction.
Proof of qualification to bid issued by the DENR;
The names, addresses, TIN and other relevant circumstances of the registrants shall be indicated in the logbook for registered bidders.
Submission of the latest income and/or business tax returns by registered bidders duly stamped and received by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and validated with the payment made thereon.
Highest bidder shall be required to pay 50% of the bid price either in cash or Manager’s Check immediately after the bidding and the balance of 50% shall be paid within the next business day.
Payment with Manager’s Check to the BOC/DAVAO shall bear the following:
a.Pay to the order of Land Bank of the Philippines- BOC- Davao;
For credit of the Bureau of Customs.
Items/Container release upon full payment of the winning bid price.

18 June 2014. Sasa, Davao City

District Collector

Republic of the Philippines

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