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Philippine Standard Time:
27 July 2024, 08:05 AM

Final Notice to File/Claim Importation at Port of Manila

December 19, 2023



Red Drum (White, Solid Substance)
Gray Drum (White Liquid)
Luminiscent Enamel (Brownish Liquid)
Blue Drum (Rugby Yellowish Substance)
Perchloric Acid (Glass Gallon)
Small White Container (Colorless Substance)
Small Blue Container (Blue Liquid)
Rusted Container (Black Liquid)
SK Steel Drum (Yellowish Liquid)
Blue Drum (Dichloricmethane)
Steel Container with Box (Greenish Liquid)
Steel Container (Thinner)




Pursuant to the Disposition Form dated 29 November 2023, Atty. Enrico A. Turingan III, Acting Chief, Auction and Cargo Disposal Division (ACDD), requested for the issuance of Decree of Abandonment based on the recommendation of Charles Tan, Assistant Vice President – HSES and Atty. Rodolfo G. Corvite, Jr., Vice Preisdent – Business Support Service, of Asian Terminals Inc. (ATI), let this be a Final Notice to the Owners to claim/lodge/file the required goods declaration and pay the duties and taxes for the above-described shipment stored at Asian Terminals Inc., otherwise the same shall be deemed abandon in accordance with CAO 13-2020 and Section 1129 of the CMTA.


Five (5) days upon posting of the same at the Bulletin Board and Bureau of Customs (BOC) of the said container will be declared abandoned by the District Collector and accordingly will be issued Decree of Abandonment pursuant to the provisions of the CMTA.


Port of Manila, Philippines, 19 December 2023.

Republic of the Philippines

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