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13 March 2025, 02:26 AM

Customs disposes more than 2,400 containers, generates P555 MILLION from public auction in 2021

January 6, 2022

The Bureau of Customs-Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group (AOCG) together with the Auction and Cargo Disposal Division (ACDD) and the ACD units of all Collection Districts nationwide, disposed a total of 2,407 overstaying containers through condemnation and public auction in 2021.

Public auctions resulted in the revenue generation of P555,443,841.75 in proceeds from 1,257 containers of assorted items such as rice, galvanized steel, among others. While the remaining 1,150 containers of used clothing, rotten foodstuff, used oil, used furniture, other valueless used articles were condemned or destroyed accordingly.

These containers were forfeited after seizure or abandonment proceedings under Sections 1139 and 1141 of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), which provides for the conditions and modes of disposition, respectively. Furthermore, in relation to CAO 17-2019, cargoes which weren’t withdrawn within the regulatory period of 30 calendar days from payment of duties, taxes, and other charges shall be deemed abandoned, unless covered by duly issued alert order, and upon the finality of the Decree of Abandonment, the Bureau shall then determine the proper disposition among auction, condemnation or donation.

Notably, these disposition activities also resulted in the efficient trade facilitation by eliminating port and yard congestion, and ensuring the smooth flow of business within the agency.

The bureau assures the public that it will remain steadfast in ensuring unhampered delivery of its services, especially in these trying times that the movement of goods, essentials and non-essentials, is deemed both substantial and critical.

Republic of the Philippines

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