The Bureau of Customs Port of NAIA (BOC-NAIA) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) as part of the NAIA Drug Interdiction Task Group (NAIA-DITG) on February 24, 2022 seized ecstacy tablets and cannabis oils worth Php 926,075.00 in the Central Mail Exchange Center (CMEC), Pasay City.
To celebrate its breakthroughs and milestones in the previous year, the Bureau of Customs on February 23, 2022, capped its 120th Founding Anniversary with the theme “Transforming, Performing, And Modernizing Towards A World-Class Customs Service”.
The Manila International Container Port (MICP) of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) headed by Acting District Collector Romeo Allan R. Rosales, facilitated the release of Balikbayan Boxes to the Door to Door Consolidators Association of the Philippines (DDCAP) represented by its President, Mr. Joel P. Longares.
Bureau of Customs-Port of Cagayan de Oro destroyed a total of 2,027 master cases of smuggled cigarettes worth P16,000,000.00 inside the facility of Greenleaf 88 Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal in Brgy. Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro last February 18, 2022.
As part of its intensified anti-smuggling efforts, the Bureau of Customs – Port of Cebu seized forty-five (45) packages of used computer LED monitors, used laptops, and processors worth Php3,040,548.64 on February 15, 2022.
Joint government operatives seized 22 kilos of suspected shabu (methamphetamine hydrochloride) valued at P149.60 million and arrested five suspects in Ayala-Alabang Village, Muntinlupa City, on November 18.
The Bureau of Customs Port of NAIA on February 10, 2022 through the Ports Environmental Protection and Compliance Division Enforcement and Security Service (EPCD-ESS) seized misdeclared exotic aquatic wildlife amounting to Php 3.5 Million, in PAL PSI in Pasay City.
In line with its mandate to prevent the entry and exit of prohibited and restricted commodities, the Bureau of Customs – Port of NAIA seized and turned over 3 export shipments misdeclared as “Lego Toys” and 2 undeclared import shipments containing harmful black ants concealed in 396 specimen tubes to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources on January 24, 2022 and February 04, 2022, respectively.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) – Port of Cebu seized two units of brand new forklift from China which were misdeclared as second-hand on February 7. The misdeclaration resulted to a 110.96% discrepancy in duties and taxes.
Bureau of Customs NAIA (BOC NAIA), Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), and NAIA Inter-Agency Drug Interdiction Task Group (NAIA-IADITG) agents arrested claimant of package declared as “personal gifts and clothing” containing gummies infused with cannabis and THC Vape Cartridges with estimate value of Php85,299.12 in Central Mail Exchange Center (CMEC) at around 12:30 PM last January 31, 2022.
All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.