The Bureau of Customs (BOC) officially launches the i-Declare System, a streamlined and digitalized Customs Baggage and Currency Declaration process, on June 29, 2022.
As a result its heightened border protection efforts, the Bureau of Customs-Port of Subic seized another 1×40’ container of assorted tobacco products from China on June 22, 2022.
The Bureau of Customs, through the Revenue Collection and Monitoring Group (RCMG)-Legal Service and the Interim Training and Development Division (ITDD), conducted the Legal Summit 2022 on June 21-23, 2022 at the Subic Bay Travelers Hotel, Subic Freeport Zone, Zambales and via Zoom Teleconference.
The BOC Customer Care Center (CCC) – Port of Subic was finally awarded its Certification for ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System during the BOC Executive Committee Meeting on June 20, 2022.
On June 15, 2022, the Bureau of Customs – Port of Iloilo condemned abandoned and seized used tires through co-processing with cement kiln in the facility of APO Cement Corporation, Naga City, Cebu. The said mode of condemnation is an industrial process that is proven to be a sustainable waste management solution. The non-recyclable used tires were converted into a usable heat to provide an alternative fuel to the cement kiln.
The Bureau of Customs- Port of Zamboanga (BOC-POZ), through its Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) and Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS), in coordination with the 2nd Zamboanga City Mobile Force Company “Seaborne”, successfully intercepted Php 9.6 million worth of smuggled cigarettes off the waters of Manalipa, Zamboanga City o 21 June 2022.
The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) headed by Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero, the Outgoing Chairperson of the ASEAN Customs Directors-General, attended the 31st regular Meeting of the ASEAN Directors-General of Customs from June 7-9, 2022, in Singapore.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) through the Intelligence Group and the Manila International Container Port (MICP), seized smuggled carrots consigned to Silverpop Dry Goods Trading with an estimated value of Php 4 million. This was the result of the physical examination conducted on June 14, 2022 at the designated examination area of the Port.
As part of the Bureau of Customs’ (BOC) strengthened anti-illegal drug campaign, BOC Port of NAIA and Philippine Drug Enforcement agency (PDEA), NAIA Drug Interdiction Task Group (NAIA-DITG) intercepted a shipment of cocaine bound for export.
In a virtual ceremony held last June 02, 2022, the Bureau of Customs (BOC), through the NSW Technical Working Group (NSW-TWG), together with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (United Nations ESCAP) formally launched the Philippines’ Readiness Assessment for Cross-Border Paperless Trade.
All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.