The Bureau of Customs (BOC)- Port of Zamboanga (POZ) seized P18.6 million worth of smuggled onions on board a vessel in Brgy Ayala, Zamboanga City, last January 25.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) surpassed its revenue collection for the month, posting P65.801 billion from January 1 to 27 alone, up from the P58.822 billion target set by the government.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC)- Port of Zamboanga has intercepted, on two separate occasions, P9.49 million worth of imported fresh red onions loaded inside the two watercrafts in Zamboanga City.
The Post Clearance Audit Group-Trade Information and Risk Analysis Office (PCAG-TIRAO) of the Bureau of Customs today reported 492 importers recommended for post-clearance audit in 2022.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has intensified its implementation of the Electronic Tracking of Containerized Cargo System (E-TRACC), a real-time monitoring system of containerized cargoes using GPS-enabled tracking locks, to prevent smuggling by diversion of cargoes.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) digitalizes customs processes and operations to enhance its trade facilitation mandate.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Cagayan de Oro has foiled an attempt to smuggle two containers of cigarettes valued at P160 million after a spot-check examination at Mindanao Container Terminal Port, PHIVIDEC Compound, Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental on January 18.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Manila (POM) seized a foreign registered vessel docked off the coast of Zambales and its cargo of 25,000 metric tons of nickel ore on January 17.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) and the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Plant Industry (DA-BPI) conducted a virtual kick-off meeting that aims to facilitate the Philippine participation in the cross-border exchange of the electronic Phytosanitary Certificate (e-Phyto) among ASEAN Member States via the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) System.
The Intelligence Group and Enforcement Group of the Bureau of Customs today reported 709 seizures of smuggled goods with an estimated value of P24.28 billion in 2022.
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