The Bureau of Customs-Ninoy Aquino International Airport (BOC-NAIA) intercepted several unclaimed parcels containing illegal drugs with an estimated street value of PhP 14,825,400 at the Central Mail Exchange Center (CMEC).
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has exceeded its revenue collection target for March 2024, marking the third consecutive month this year of consistently hitting its target under the leadership of Customs Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC), in its pursuit of expediting trade and facilitating e-Commerce goods, has successfully conducted a capacity-building session on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the Context of Cross-Border e-Commerce Transactions” on March 20, 2024.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC), in its effort to foster inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in the Philippines, formally opened the three-day National Trade Facilitation Workshops, with support from the International Trade Center (ITC) through the ARISE Plus Philippines Project on March 19, 2024.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) – Port of Clark, in close coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), Customs Anti-Illegal Drug Task Force (CAIDTF), X-ray Inspection Project (XIP), Enforcement and Security Service (ESS), and Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS), seized a total of 31,250 grams of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or Shabu with an estimated value of P212,500,000.00 found in a parcel declared as “routers”.
On 25 March 2024, the Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) of the Enforcement Group of the Bureau of Customs (ESS-EG, BOC) celebrated 36 years of service in safeguarding nation’s borders, ensuring compliance with customs laws, and combating illicit trade activities. Established in 1988, the ESS has remained steadfast in its mission to uphold the rule of law, combat smuggling, and protect our citizens and economy from illicit activities.
The Bureau of Customs – Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) intercepted 3,028 grams of shabu with an estimated street value of P20.59 million.
Upon examination of the shipment on March 25, 2024 the subject transparent plastic vacuum pouches and self-sealing white pouches labeled as ‘whey protein were found to contain methamphetamine hydrochloride, commonly known as shabu.
The Bureau of Customs – Port of Cagayan de Oro (BOC-CDO) has foiled another smuggling attempt of vehicles that were concealed as used auto spare parts.
The shipment arrived at the Sub-Port of Mindanao Container Terminal on February 12, 2024 from Japan, declared to contain 55 packages of used auto spare parts. After receiving derogatory information, the CIIS, ESS, and XIP jointly requested District Collector Alexandra Y. Lumontad to issue an alert order for a full physical examination of the subject shipment.
Agents of the Bureau of Customs-Manila International Container Port (BOC-MICP), through the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS), intercepted a shipment of balikbayan boxes from Thailand that were suspected to contain illegal drugs, misdeclared, and undeclared items based on processed information from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).
At the 35th ASEAN Customs Enforcement and Compliance Working Group (CECWG) meeting held in Jakarta from February 20 to 22, 2024, the Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) led the discussions on the 1st Joint Customs Control (JCC) Operation. PH Customs shared a detailed report on Post Clearance Audit Cases, highlighting the seizure of shipments with harmful environmental products. The operation took place from November 13, 2023, to January 24, 2024, specifically targeting issues related to cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and dried tobacco leaves.
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