Pursuant to Section 5.1 of CAO 13-2020, consignee/importers/owners indicated in the attached file are hereby NOTIFIED of the ARRIVAL of your vessels with list of cargoes and its corresponding consignee.
Please be informed that the above-stated consignees must lodge/file goods declaration within two (15) days after the date of last discharge. Otherwise, a Notice of Abandonment will be issued.
Please see attached files.
Pursuant to Section 5.1 of CAO 13-2020, consignee/importers/owners indicated in the attached file are hereby NOTIFIED of the ARRIVAL of your vessels with list of cargoes and its corresponding consignee.
Please be informed that the above-stated consignees must lodge/file goods declaration within two (15) days after the date of last discharge. Otherwise, a Notice of Abandonment will be issued.
Please see attached files.
Pursuant to Section 5.1 of CAO 13-2020, consignee/importers/owners indicated in the attached file are hereby NOTIFIED of the ARRIVAL of your vessels with list of cargoes and its corresponding consignee.
Please be informed that the above-stated consignees must lodge/file goods declaration within two (15) days after the date of last discharge. Otherwise, a Notice of Abandonment will be issued.
Please see attached files.
Notice is hereby given to all concerned to file entry for containerized and non-containerized shipments covering the period as follows:
Containerized and Non-Containerized shipments – December 2022 to October 3, 2023
The list is hereto attached.
Containerized and Non-Containerized Shipments
Under the provisions of Section 1139 to 1151 of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), in relation to CAO 03-2020, CAO 04-2016 and CAO 10-2007, and other relevant Customs Memorandum Orders, there will be an Online Public Auction Sale through Sealed Bidding to be conducted by the Auction and Cargo Disposal Committee, Port of Davao on:
PUBLIC AUCTION: October 05, 2023
Opening of sealed bids : 1:30 P.M.
Place : 2nd Floor, Davao Customshouse Capacity Building
Public Viewing of Sale Lots will be available to all qualified bidders at:
DICT Wharf, Panabo City, Davao del Norte on...
Pursuant to Section 5.1 of CAO 13-2020, consignee/importers/owners indicated in the attached file are hereby NOTIFIED of the ARRIVAL of your vessels with list of cargoes and its corresponding consignee.
Please be informed that the above-stated consignees must lodge/file goods declaration within two (15) days after the date of last discharge. Otherwise, a Notice of Abandonment will be issued.
Please see attached files.
Pursuant to Section 5.1 of CAO 13-2020, consignee/importers/owners indicated in the attached file are hereby NOTIFIED of the ARRIVAL of your vessels with list of cargoes and its corresponding consignee.
Please be informed that the above-stated consignees must lodge/file goods declaration within two (15) days after the date of last discharge. Otherwise, a Notice of Abandonment will be issued.
Please see attached files.
Pursuant to Section 5.1 of CAO 13-2020, consignee/importers/owners indicated in the attached file are hereby NOTIFIED of the ARRIVAL of your vessels with list of cargoes and its corresponding consignee.
Please be informed that the above-stated consignees must lodge/file goods declaration within two (15) days after the date of last discharge. Otherwise, a Notice of Abandonment will be issued.
Please see attached files.
Pursuant to Section 5.1 of CAO 13-2020, consignee/importers/owners indicated in the attached file are hereby NOTIFIED of the ARRIVAL of your vessels with list of cargoes and its corresponding consignee.
Please be informed that the above-stated consignees must lodge/file goods declaration within two (15) days after the date of last discharge. Otherwise, a Notice of Abandonment will be issued.
Please see attached files.
Pursuant to Section 1149 of Republic Act (RA) No. 10863, otherwise known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act of 2016, and Customs Administrative Order (CAO) No. 03-2020, Customs Memorandum Order No. 26-2020 and other relevant issuances, as amended, the following items will be disposed of through NEGOTIATED SALE on an “AS IS, WHERE IS BASIS.”
Submission of Offers
28 September 2023 (9:00-12:00 NN)
AEO Conference Room, Port of Manila
Opening of Offers
28 September 2023 (1:00 PM)
AEO Conference Room, Port of Manila
Pre-Offer Conference