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10 March 2025, 18:37 PM

Bureau of Customs – NAIA now ISO 9001:2015 Certified

October 28, 2021

As part of the port’s commitment to enhance the quality of its processes, the Bureau of Customs NAIA on October 25, 2021 officially received its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Certification by the TUVSUD Philippines, after successfully passing the ISO Final Audit last September 2021.

A total of 21 Customs processes were submitted for ISO certification which include processes under Assessment, Port Operations, Passenger Service, Customer Care Center (CCC) and Law Division. The ISO audit was conducted by TUVSUD Philippines who is also responsible for the certification of other organizations in the Philippines and other Ports and offices of the Bureau of Customs.

In her statement BOC NAIA District Collector Carmelita M. Talusan is optimistic that the BOC NAIA is well on its way to being compliant to international standards, especially on customer service and all the mandates of BOC in trade facilitation, border protection, and revenue collection. She also stressed the importance of having ISO Standard compliant Port as it serves as a gateway to international travellers and air cargo as the nation and economy gradually recovers from the pandemic.

BOC NAIA remains committed in supporting the reforms of BOC Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero to elevate Customs services making the Bureau a Customs Organization that is truly amongst the world’s best.

The Port will also continue to initiate more reforms to improve government service.

Republic of the Philippines

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