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Philippine Standard Time:
12 March 2025, 17:42 PM

BOC Prepares for the Full Implementation of the Electronic Exchange of the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document

March 7, 2022

Deputy Commissioner Allan C. Geronimo of the BOC Management Information Systems and Technology Group (MISTG), and Vice-Chair for Technical Matters of the National Single Window – Technical Working Group (NSW-TWG) led the consultation and briefing session for the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) on March 03, 2022.

The ACDD is an electronic document that facilitates the exchange of export declaration information between exchange-ready AMS to support its risk management activities. The expected benefits for participating traders include potential reduction in Customs clearance time for consignments which are supported by the ACDD and imported into exchange-ready AMS.

The Philippines successfully participated in the live operation of the ACDD using the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) System and is able to exchange the ACDD with Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand since January 21, 2022.

The briefing session provided an opportunity for BOC officials who will play vital role in the ACDD implementation to seek clarifications on the draft Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) for the ACDD implementation and gain better understanding on how to navigate the ACDD Operations Portal and the BOC Routing Platform.

These offices include the Management Information Systems and Technology Group (MISTG) who will be responsible for the extraction of data element from BOC Export SAD and general administration of the ACDD Operations Portal, the Export Coordination Division (ECD) for the monitoring of all outbound ACDD messages, Export Divisions (ED) who will support the conduct of outreach sessions for exporters, importers and customs brokers, and the Risk Management Office (RMO) for the utilization of the inbound ACDD messages to support its risk management activities.

“Optimizing the management of trade facilitation activities has been a major key component in the BOC’s goal to achieving full economic and trade visibility and cross-border cooperation within the region. We hope to fully implement the electronic exchange of the ACDD, conduct follow-up consultation with our stakeholders and officially launch the ACDD Portal in April 2022”, as mentioned by BOC Deputy Commissioner Geronimo.

Since December 2020, the BOC has been working alongside the USAID ASEAN Policy Implementation Project in operationalizing the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) Operations Portal via the ASW to facilitate – and even increase – cross-border paperless trade during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Republic of the Philippines

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