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BOC Port of Manila conducts Best Practice Sharing with AFP

October 23, 2021

The BOC Port of Manila (POM) organized Best Practice Sharing with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) via Zoom Teleconference on October 12, 2021.

CDR Nestor Cabunalda PN, Chief of the AFP Strategy Management Division, shared their best practices during their Performance Governance System (PGS) journey. Civ HR Ricardo Sacman and Mary Ann Magno also discussed the agency’s strategy and alignment mechanisms.

AFP was also awarded as one of the government agencies in the country as “Islands of Good Governance” by the Institute Solidarity in Asia (ISA) and got included in the Top 10 Top Performing Agencies in 2019.

Further, Atty. Ma. Liza Sebastian, POM Deputy Collector for Operations, shared the port’s preparation and strategies implemented during its ISO 9001:2015 Certification process.

District Collector Michael Angelo Vargas thanked the speakers from AFP for sharing their PGS journey with the port.

“The POM team has a lot of takeaways from this governance sharing. This meaningful activity is very significant to both parties as we have shared our journeys in PGS and ISO that helped our agencies achieved our breakthroughs.”

Among those who attended the activity were the Deputy Collectors, Division Chiefs, and the Local OSMs of the port.

The Port of Manila commits to instill the reforms implemented by Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero towards the transformation of the Bureau into a modernized and credible Customs administration.

Republic of the Philippines

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