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Philippine Standard Time:
06 March 2025, 20:49 PM

BOC-Port of Clark Conducts Strategic Performance Review, Commends Personnel for Recent Drug Apprehension

October 25, 2021

Aimed at evaluating the performance of the port from January to September 2021 and to boost the morale of its personnel, the Bureau of Customs – Port of Clark International Airport, on October 12, 2021, conducted a Strategic Performance Review and awarded commendations to key personnel for the recent seizure of illegal drugs.

Present in the activity is District Collector Alexandra Lumontad, Deputy Collectors, Division Chiefs and Unit Heads of the port wherein Senior OSM, Rommel Isip, presented the port’s accomplishment on revenue collection, trade facilitation and border security. Among the notable accomplishments of the port that were presented include the surpassing of collection target for eight (8) months from January to September 2021; seizures of illegal drugs and other goods violative of the CMTA with a total estimated value of Php 35.8-million pesos; and the ISO Certification last August 5, 2021.

Also discussed during the review are Port of Clark’s future activities and plans such as the preparations for the ISO Surveillance Audit on 2022 and upcoming Revalida. Issues and concerns were likewise discussed and addressed.

Aside from the Strategic Performance Review, Certificate of Commendations were also awarded to key personnel under ESS, CIIS, XIP and Assessment who were instrumental to the seizure of Php7.48-million worth of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu) last September 14, 2021.

In a statement, District Collector Alexandra Lumontad recognized the effort of all personnel and their contribution for the port’s accomplishments emphasizing their hard work and dedication to service despite the challenges brought by the pandemic. She added that the port will continue to be consistent in efficiently performing its mandate to support the bureau’s direction under the leadership of Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero.

Republic of the Philippines

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