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Philippine Standard Time:
11 March 2025, 00:09 AM

BOC Port of Aparri Hits its Annual Collection Target for the 2nd Consecutive Year

December 19, 2020

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) – Port of Aparri has once again reached and even surpassed its annual collection target for the second consecutive year. The Aparri Port collected PhP146,718,966, exceeding its 2019 target of PhP126,042,722.75 by PhP20,676,243.25 or 16.4 percent positive deviation.

Imported cement is the highest revenue contributor of the BOC Aparri which generated a total collection of PhP117,556,683.00 of the total duties and taxes collected.

Amount collected from two post-audited entries of fuel importation last year, two importations of aircraft, two importations of fiber optic cables and numerous importations of various items in the Cagayan North International Airport (CNIA/ Lal-lo International Airport) also contributed to the positive collection performance of Aparri Port for 2019.

The attainment of the annual target of the Port of Aparri is due to the collective effort of its employees and stakeholders, and compliance with the assessment, payment and collection of rightful duties and taxes.

PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE (PIO) Bureau of Customs G/F OCOM Building, South Harbor (Port of Manila), Manila Landline: (+632) 527-8259 Fax: (+632) 527-1968

Republic of the Philippines

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