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14 March 2025, 16:47 PM

BOC-Port of Aparri and Philippine Air Force Conduct Governance Sharing

November 9, 2021

The Bureau of Customs-Port of Aparri (BOC-Port of Aparri), in collaboration with the Philippine Air Force (PAF), organized a virtual Governance Sharing activity on 04 November 2021.

Mr. Florence Ryan M. Rayos, head of the PAF Strategy Management Office, shared their organization’s best practices during their Performance Governance System (PGS) journey.

The BOC-Port of Aparri best practices and validated breakthrough results were discussed by District Collector Arienito M. Claveria.

Organized and facilitated by the Port’s Office of Strategy Management (OSM), the activity was attended by the different officers, local senior OSM representatives, local junior OSM representatives, and personnel of the said government agencies.

The PGS is the local adaptation of the Balanced Scorecard developed at the Harvard Business School. It is a performance management and measurement tool that aims to translate organizational goals into breakthrough results guided by a set of performance indicators and metrics.

The PGS has four stages: Initiation, Compliance, Proficiency and Institutionalization. BOC-Port of Aparri’s PGS level is presently at the Compliance Stage.

The BOC-Port of Aparri, together with the other 16 Customs Collection Districts of the Bureau of Customs, are optimistic and committed in achieving the PGS Institutionalization for the whole organization.

Governance sharing, one of the key PGS elements, is an avenue for customs units and other government offices to share and learn homegrown best practices from the other agencies and integrate them into their daily operations.

Republic of the Philippines

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