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BOC participated in the 26th ASEAN Single Window Legal Working Group Meeting

May 30, 2023

The Bureau of Customs (BOC), in line with its commitment in the regional trade facilitation, participated in the 26th Meeting of the Working Group on Legal and Regulatory Matters for the ASEAN Single Window (ASW-LWG) on May 23-24, 2023. The meeting, conducted via a virtual conference, brought together delegates from ASEAN Member States, including distinguished representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) Project Management Office.

The virtual conference was facilitated by Mr. Muhamad Lukman, Secretary of the Indonesia National Single Window Agency and Chairperson of the ASW-LWG. Notable delegates from ASEAN Member States were also present, convening to deliberate on essential matters pertaining to the legal and regulatory frameworks within the ASW regional platform.

The primary focus of the meeting revolved around the exchange of e-documents with Dialogue Partners (DPs) and the associated legal framework. The Working Group meticulously examined the current state of potential document exchanges with DPs, conducting a comprehensive analysis of protocols and legal instruments. Additionally, crucial discussion points were identified, reflecting the commitment of all participating nations to foster efficient trade practices.

During the conference, the Philippine delegation from the BOC took the opportunity to share the country’s perspectives on potential legal instruments concerning DPs. Through open dialogue and the exchange of ideas, ASEAN Member States agreed to establish a robust and seamless regional trade environment, promoting economic growth and strengthening regional cooperation.

The BOC remains steadfast in its commitment to regional cooperation and will continue to actively engage in initiatives such as the ASW-LWG meetings. By fostering strong partnerships and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, the Bureau of Customs is poised to further streamline trade processes and contribute to the economic development of ASEAN Member States.#

Republic of the Philippines

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