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Philippine Standard Time:
05 March 2025, 05:02 AM

BOC-NAIA stops another illegal wildlife trade of BEARDED DRAGON and TEGU LIZARDS declared as “children’s toys”

January 5, 2021

In line with its mandate to protect the country’s borders, the Bureau of Customs Port of NAIA on December 2021 seized two (2) parcels containing 22 Bearded Dragons and 6 Argentine Black and White Lizards with an estimate market value of P210,000, from Samutprakarn, Thailand, in the BOC NAIA Central Mail Exchange Center (CMEC), Pasay City.

Both parcels which were declared as “Children’s Toys” were shipped by a certain ‘Anuphop Wilit’ and were sent to certain individuals allegedly addressed in Paranaque City. Through the vigilance of Customs-NAIA personnel, said parcels were subjected to x-ray and 100% physical examination which led to the discovery of live Bearded Dragons and Tegus.

Said parcel shipments were subjected to seizure and forfeiture proceedings for violation of Section 1113 of RA 10863 or the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act in relation to Section 117 and RA 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act.

The overall operations was conducted in coordination with the Enforcement and Security Service-Environmental Compliance and Protection Division (ESS-EPCD). Furthermore, the seized lizards were immediately turned over to the Wildlife Monitoring Unit of Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for proper handling and safekeeping pursuant to Customs Administrative Order No. 10-2020.

Port of NAIA under the leadership of District Collector Carmelita M. Talusan fully supports Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero’s directives to intensify the Bureau’s border protection efforts against wildlife smuggling thru strengthened collaboration and coordination with the DENR.

Republic of the Philippines

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