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BOC-NAIA, PDEA, NAIA-IADITG Intercept Shabu Worth PHP 55.34M, Arrest Passenger

June 5, 2023

The Bureau of Customs – Ninoy Aquino International Airport (BOC-NAIA), together with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and the NAIA Inter-Agency Drug Interdiction Task Group (NAIA-IADITG), have uncovered shabu concealed inside two (2) checked-in luggage at NAIA Terminal 3 on June 5, 2023.

The luggage belonged to a Liberian passenger who arrived in the Philippines via Qatar Airways flight number QR 934 from Doha, Qatar, on June 4, 2023. According to the initial investigation, the passenger was originally from Lagos, Nigeria but was temporarily held by the Bureau of Immigration due to a lack of immigration papers. The luggage underwent X-ray screening by active operatives of the X-ray Inspection Project (XIP) headed by Atty. Ma. Lourdes V. Mangaong. The XIP flagged the luggage as suspicious, potentially containing illegal drugs.

A customs examiner from the Arrival Operations Division conducted a 100% physical examination, revealing 8.138 kilograms of shabu hidden inside yellow powdery spices, with a Dangerous Drugs Board street value of PHP 55,338,400.00, as confirmed by PDEA.

The seized luggage will undergo seizure and forfeiture proceedings as authorities investigate the arrested passenger for violation of Republic Act (RA) No. 9165, or the Comprehensive Drug Act, and RA 10863, also known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA).

The BOC, headed by Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio, reiterates its commitment to preventing the entry of illicit goods into the country. BOC-NAIA, led by District Collector Atty. Yasmin Mapa, will continue to intensify border control and enhance its coordination with partner agencies to combat illegal drug smuggling.

Commissioner Rubio praised the efforts of BOC-NAIA and extended his gratitude to PDEA, XIP, and NAIA-IADITG for their valuable support in the operation. He emphasized the importance of joint efforts among law enforcement agencies in combating drug trafficking and ensuring the safety and security of the people.#

Republic of the Philippines

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