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13 March 2025, 02:14 AM

BOC-NAIA, luxury brand representatives conduct verification of forfeited luxury items

December 15, 2021

The Bureau of Customs – Port of NAIA, on December 03, 2021 headed by District Collector Carmelita M. Talusan, though its Auction and Cargo Disposal Division (ACDD), and law firms representing luxury and authentic brands, conducted joint verification of subject abandoned items in the NAIA Conference and Exhibit Room in Pasay City.

The initial joint verification was conducted to determine the genuineness and authenticity of the seized, abandoned and eventually forfeited luxury items such as bags, shoes, and watches, to identify goods for auction or condemnation.

Earlier this year, the Port of NAIA, Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), and luxury brand owners discussed on pro-active measures to further intensify border protection against rampant intellectual property rights violation.

Upon identifying whether subject items are authentic or not, the forfeited luxury items shall be disposed of pursuant to Section 1141 (Mode of Disposition) and 1146 (Disposition of Prohibited Good) of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA).

The Bureau of Customs, thru the leadership and guidance of Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero and the Port of NAIA headed by Collector Talusan will continue to ensure that efforts to collect revenues, facilitate trade, and border protection are at maximum efficiency, and that security measures are in place to suppress and eradicate all sorts of smuggling activities and modus operandi.

Republic of the Philippines

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