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Philippine Standard Time:
14 March 2025, 19:05 PM

BOC-MICP Generates PhP1.8 Million in Revenue Through Public Auction of Forfeited Goods

December 11, 2024

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) – Manila International Container Port (MICP) successfully generated PhP1.802 million in revenue from a public auction held on November 29, 2024.

The auction included thirteen containers from four sale lots, including items such as sandals, inflatable pools, cylindrical hinges, sodium sulphate, fire-protective board kits, one unit used motor vehicle, and other assorted goods.

The Auction and Cargo Disposal Division of the MICP collected PhP1,782,500.00 from auction proceeds and PhP20,200.00 from bidder registration fees, resulting in a total revenue of PhP1,802,700.00.

The conduct of public auctions is mandated under Sections 1118 and 1139 to 1151 of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA) and guided by Customs Administrative Order (CAO) 03-2020. These provisions allow the BOC to dispose of seized, abandoned, and forfeited goods through various modes of disposition, including public auctions. This process not only generates significant revenue for the national treasury but also supports the BOC’s efforts to secure the country’s borders and prevent the entry of illicit and non-compliant imports.

Under the leadership of District Collector Rizalino Jose C. Torralba, the MICP will continue to enhance its enforcement and disposal processes, further strengthening its role in securing borders while contributing to the country’s economic development.


Republic of the Philippines

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