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BOC MICP Conducts 3rd Quarterly Webinar On Customs Procedures and Policies

October 25, 2021

In line with the memorandum of the Commissioner on providing stakeholders with current information on Customs’ policies and reforms, the Manila International Container Port (MICP) conducted its 3rd Quarterly Webinar on 15 October 2021 via zoom platform.

The webinar was opened by MICP Acting District Collector Romeo Allan R. Rosales and followed by the presentation of Mr. Antonio Meliton T. Pascual, Chief Customs Operations Officer on the topics “Philippine Trade Facilitation Committee (PTFC) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Incoterms 2020”.

Present in the said webinar were representatives from Chamber of Customs Brokers, Inc. (CCBI), Aksyon Agad Samahang Personero/Personera (AASSAP), Super Green Lane Companies, and other stakeholders of the Port, including customs brokers and educators.

Subsequently, an interactive open forum was facilitated by Mr. Pascual and Atty. Rey Roland Bergado, Chief of the Formal Entry Division. Several questions regarding assessment and trade facilitation matters were raised by the stakeholders.

The online activity was aired on the official Facebook page of the MICP from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. In his statement, Collector Rosales thanked the resource speakers who extended their time and effort and shared their areas of expertise in facilitating the said webinar.

Rest assured that the Port will provide more online activities that will clarify the issues and concerns confronting the stakeholders.

Republic of the Philippines

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