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Philippine Standard Time:
13 March 2025, 07:33 AM

BOC marks 9-Billion liters of fuel, collects P118-B in revenue in Mid-2022

July 9, 2022

Aligned with its thrust to curb illicit trade and collect rightful duties and taxes for the government, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) has marked 9-Billion liters of fuel equivalent to P118 billion duties and taxes for the first semester of 2022. With this, the total marked gasoline, diesel, and kerosene from September 2019 to June 2022 were 43.65 billion liters equivalent to P432.3 billion in duties and taxes.

Diesel comprises 60.59% of the total volume marked, followed by Gasoline with 38.9% and Kerosene with 0.51% of marked volume. As to location, 73.88% of the marking was in Luzon, 20.66% in Mindanao, and 5.47% in the Visayas.

Also aligned with the Program, the BOC and the BIR seized a total of 111,157.80 liters of diesel, 3,311 liters of kerosene, 18,839 liters of Gasoline and seized 2 units of tank trucks carrying unmarked fuel with a total estimated value of P14.4 Million Pesos. Tanks of 16 retail stations and 4 private companies where BOC found these unmarked fuels were likewise sealed and recommended for filing of criminal cases.

The Fuel Marking Program aims to raise revenues while curbing fuel smuggling and leveling the playing field of the Philippine oil industry.

Republic of the Philippines

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