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04 March 2025, 08:03 AM

BOC Lawyers Convene in Legal Summit 2022

July 13, 2022

The Bureau of Customs, through the Revenue Collection and Monitoring Group (RCMG)-Legal Service and the Interim Training and Development Division (ITDD), conducted the Legal Summit 2022 on June 21-23, 2022 at the Subic Bay Travelers Hotel, Subic Freeport Zone, Zambales and via Zoom Teleconference.

The 3-day event was attended by lawyers from the RCMG-Legal Service and Law Divisions from the Ports nationwide. During the first day of the summit, Atty. Julito L. Doria, Chief of the Prosecution and Litigation Division, discussed the CMTA provisions and related issuances on Apprehension of Goods, including the rules and regulations in the Issuance of Alert Orders, Letters of Authority, and Warrant of Seizure and Detention. Also discussed were Seizure and Forfeiture Proceedings, Remedies after the Order of Forfeiture, and Protest.

On the second and third days, the draft amended regulations and guidelines on seizure and forfeiture proceedings were discussed. During the breakout session, the participants were assigned to review and to propose guidelines on pertinent provisions of CAO 10-2020. Each group presented their draft regulations and guidelines to all participants for their comments and suggestions.

A Commitment Manifesto was signed by the BOC lawyers pledging their willingness to continuously improve processes and procedures in the Bureau providing efficient government service to its stakeholders. The BOC lawyers also signified their commitment to strengthen coordination and cooperation between and among participating offices to effectively execute and implement the provisions of the CMTA and to issue an amended Customs Memorandum Order setting the guidelines on seizure and forfeiture proceedings and appeals.

The Legal Summit officially ended with a closing remarks from the District Collector of the Port of Subic, Maritess T. Martin. She expressed her gratitude to all the participants for their active involvement and significant contribution to providing better service to the public through their expertise and ethical practice of the profession in the Bureau.

Republic of the Philippines

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