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Philippine Standard Time:
04 March 2025, 12:14 PM

BOC Launches National Trade Facilitation Workshops with ARISE Plus Philippines

April 2, 2024

The Bureau of Customs (BOC), in its effort to foster inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in the Philippines, formally opened the three-day National Trade Facilitation Workshops, with support from the International Trade Center (ITC) through the ARISE Plus Philippines Project on March 19, 2024.

The Joint BOC and ARISE Plus Philippines Workshop kicked-off with an intensive session on “Optimizing the Uptake of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Program”, which was participated by representatives from various Trade Regulatory Government Agencies (TRGAs), including private sector representatives from Coca-Cola Beverages Philippines, Inc. (CCBPI), Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation (TMPC) and Panasonic Manufacturing Philippines Corporation (PMPC), Export Development Council (EDC) and the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT).

Customs administrations from Indonesia and People’s Republic of China also delivered presentations focusing on best practices in negotiating Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA), including the validation process which is essential in accrediting a trusted AEO partner.

Atty. Vener S. Baquiran, Deputy Commissioner of the BOC Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group (AOCG), and Supervising Deputy Commissioner of the AEO Program, in his Opening Remarks, emphasized that “As the BOC explore the paradigm shifts in modernizing customs administration and enhancing trade facilitation, the AEO Program has become a key driver in promoting a secure, transparent and predictable trading environment through the voluntary demonstration of compliance, safety and security provisions in international trade.”

He added that “given the increasing need to ensure that international trade takes place within a safe and secure environment, especially with the rapid increase of e-Commerce shipments, it is also essential for the BOC of Customs to continuously steward the national safety and security response within the broader context of the global supply chain.”

Representing the International Trade Center (ITC), Ms. Alina Fetisova shared that “It’s important to know that the AEO plays a very important role in ensuring the security of international trade that certified companies adhere to very stringent security standards and thereby safeguarding trade and protect stakeholders.”

The series of workshop supports Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio’s five-point priority program in simplifying customs procedures, facilitating secure trade and uplifting employee welfare and development through capacity-building activities on international best practices and emerging trade facilitation initiatives such as the AEO Program, e-Commerce clearance and taxation, and the Integrated Risk Management (IRM).

Republic of the Philippines

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