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BOC Issues Order Standardizing Customs Dues, Fees, and Charges

May 17, 2024

On 11 May 2024, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) officially published Customs Administrative Order (CAO) No. 02-2024, which aims to identify the different Service Fees, Dues, and Charges to be collected by the BOC from various stakeholders for services rendered by BOC personnel; ensure consistency in the rates of Service Fees, Dues, and Charges levied by the BOC; and establish a mechanism for the payment of overtime work and other services provided by the BOC.

The said CAO covers all Service Fees, Dues, and Charges to be collected by the BOC from Shipping Lines, Airlines, Air Express Operators, Importers, Exporters, Customs Brokers, Freight Forwarders, Consolidators, Deconsolidators, Logistics Providers, Transhippers, Operators of Customs Bonded Warehouses, Free Zone Locators, or registered enterprises, Third Party Solutions Providers, and all other entities served by the BOC.

Under the provisions of the said CAO, Service Fees collected will be channeled into a Trust Fund. This fund will be utilized for the payment of allowances and overtime services for Customs personnel. Among the services covered by these fees are vessel supervision, aircraft supervision, free zone locator supervision, annual supervision for Authorized Economic Operators, underguarding for transfers, off-hours services, special flight supervision, and various processing and storage fees.

On the other hand, Customs Dues and Charges will be collected separately and will accrue to the General Fund. These dues and charges encompass a wide range of transactions, including processing fees for goods declaration, balikbayan boxes, import and export transactions, appeals, legal opinions, accreditation charges, permit fees, registration charges, and service charges for document issuance and certification.

“The implementation of this Customs Administrative Order is a crucial step in furtherance of standardizing our fee structures and establishing clear guidelines on the collection of Customs Fees, Dues, and Charges,” said Commissioner Rubio. “We are doing this to establish uniformity, ensure transparency in our operations, and provide a mechanism for the payment of overtime work and other services delivered by the BOC.”

The CAO will take effect on 10 June 2024 or 30 days after its publication.###

Republic of the Philippines

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