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05 March 2025, 06:06 AM

BOC implements Offense Management System

March 23, 2022

To further enhance the risk management of the Bureau, the BOC on March 08, 2022, issues Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 05-2022 with subject “Implementation of the Offense Management System (OMS) of the Bureau of Customs” which took effect on March 15, 2022.

CMO 05-2022 is issued to implement the OMS which collects information, including Inspection Acts, and tracks or monitors the status of seized and/or forfeited goods to enhance the risk assessment and risk profiling of the Bureau and to support the existing risk management system.

The objectives of said CMO are to establish a database on the status of goods subject to seizure and forfeiture proceedings, to maintain a database of all smuggling cases and related data, to enhance the application of risk assessment, to establish guidelines in the utilization of the OMS, and to establish the roles of concerned officies in the maintenance and processing of the OMS. The CMO covers all goods which manifests were electronically submitted in advance or processed the Electronic to Mobile (E2M) system and are subject to seizure and forfeiture proceedings, for monitoring and risk analysis. The order sets forth the operational provisions and guidelines for the processing of OMS and identifies the BOC personnel and office concerned with the operations and processes of the OMS.

The copy of CMO No. 05-2022 is uploaded at the BOC website under “Issuances” tab for the reference and information of BOC employees and stakeholders. The copy may also be accessed by clicking the following link: https://customs.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cmo-05-2022-Implementation-of-the-OMS-of-the-Bureau-of-Customs.pdf

Republic of the Philippines

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