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BOC implements Electronic Customs Baggage and Currency Declaration System

May 25, 2022

The Bureau of Customs on April 2022 issued Customs Memorandum Order No. 11-2022 with the subject “Implementation of the Electronic Customs Baggage and Currency Declaration (eCBCD) System” to provide guidelines on the customs clearance process for all TRAVELERS and CREW MEMBERS using the said system, in relation to Customs Administrative Order No. 1-2017 or the Customs Clearance of Accompanied and Unaccompanied Baggage of Travelers and Crew.

This order covers the operational procedure for the use of the eCBCD System for all Travelers and Crew Members arriving at or departing from all ports of entry and exit.

Based on the CMO, all arriving Travelers and Crew Members shall now accomplish the Electronic Customs Baggage Declaration Form (eCBDF), including the Electronic Currency Declaration Form (eCDF), if applicable, in the eCBCD System before or upon arrival in all ports of entry, which can be accessed by logging-in at https://ideclare.customs.gov.ph or at the designated eCBCD Kiosk at the Customs Arrival and Departure Area.

The following procedure shall be observed by the Arriving Traveler and Crew Member in the used of eCBCD System – 1) Click “e-CBD” or “e-CDF” button in the website provided in the foregoing and fill-out the requested information; 2) Upload the required permits, licenses, or clearances from regulatory agencies, if applicable; 3) Tick the box for the Terms and Conditions and Data Privacy Consent; 4) Click the “Submit” button to upload the filled-out eCBDF; 5) The eCBCD System shall then automatically send notification to Travelers’ and Crew Members’ registered e-mail address for the successful registration in the form of QR Code to be presented to the Customs Officer.

An eCBCD System Help Desk shall be made available in the Customs Client Portal System accessible at https://client.customs.gov.ph to provide assistance for Travelers and Crew Members intending to use the eCBCD System.

The copy of CMO No. 11-2022 is uploaded at the BOC website under “Issuances” tab for the reference and information of stakeholders. The copy may also be accessed by clicking the following link: https://customs.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/CMO-11-2022-Implementation-of-eCBCD-System.pdf

Republic of the Philippines

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