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Philippine Standard Time:
13 March 2025, 03:52 AM

BOC Iloilo condemns 535 forfeited USED TIRES

June 24, 2022

On June 15, 2022, the Bureau of Customs – Port of Iloilo condemned abandoned and seized used tires through co-processing with cement kiln in the facility of APO Cement Corporation, Naga City, Cebu. The said mode of condemnation is an industrial process that is proven to be a sustainable waste management solution. The non-recyclable used tires were converted into a usable heat to provide an alternative fuel to the cement kiln.

The disposal activity was closely supervised by the Supervising Team for Condemnation led by Mr. Jovan D. Conlu, Acting Chief of Auction and Cargo Disposal Unit (ACDU), and representatives from the Office of the District Collector (ODC), Enforcement and Security Service (ESS), Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS), and Local Public Information Office. Furthermore, the said activity was witnessed by ESS representative from BOC- Port of Cebu, and Safety Officers of APO Cement Corporation.

Proper safety and health protocols were strictly observed throughout the condemnation process. The Safety Officers of the facility conducted an environment, health, and safety (EHS) induction to the Team prior to the activity.

After the condemnation activity, the Port of Iloilo, represented by Mr. Conlu, Ms. Rachelle A. Dumdum, Acting Asst. Chief of ACDU, and Ms. Danielle Marie H. Saludares, Chief of Staff of the Port, presented the Certificate of Appreciation to APO Cement Corporation, and to its Plant Director, Mr. Gery. L. Rota, and Environmental Manager, Ms. Jenevy V. Patalingjug for their valuable contribution to the successful condemnation of abandoned and seized used tires.

BOC – Port of Iloilo, under the dynamic leadership of District Collector Ciriaco D. Ugay remains committed in pursing the mandates of the Bureau to protect the border against the entry of illicit goods and dispose such in accordance with existing Customs laws and regulations.

Republic of the Philippines

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