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12 March 2025, 17:23 PM

BOC-IG Conducts Governance Sharing With NBI

April 12, 2022

Determined to sustain and further optimize its gains from the Performance Governance System (PGS), the Intelligence Group (IG) in collaboration with the Enforcement Group (EG), Port of Batangas, and the National Bureau of Investigation- Special Action Unit (NBI-SAU) conducted a governance sharing activity held on 07 April 2022 at the OCOM Situation Room and via MS Teams.

IO III Alvin Y. Enciso, Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS) Field Station Chief- MICP led the presentation of CMO 37-2021 also known as the “Mandatory Geotagging of Photos and Videos Taken by Customs Personnel in the Exercise of Police Authority and other Customs Operations”. Said best practice was also presented during the Proficiency Stage Revalida and hailed as one of the group’s breakthrough results.

Meanwhile, SA I Anthony Escandor and SA I Allan C. Escueta of the Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) presented EG’s success in the Fuel Marking Program and Customs Anti-Illegal Drugs Task Force (CAIDTF) operations.

Ms. Rowena Janda, OSM Senior Representative of the Port of Batangas led the presentation on the port’s successful ISO maintenance for 10 years.

Lastly, our guest from NBI-SAU, Atty. Kristine M. Dela Cruz, Supervising Agent and Executive Officer for Administration, showcased their accomplishments and best practices in enforcement operations.

Jeoffrey C. Tacio, CESO IV, Director, CIIS, and Raniel T. Ramiro, Deputy Commissioner, IG also graced the said event and extended their gratitude for the new level of linkage and sharing that is most significant in further upgrading our capability.

IG commits to delivering more PGS activities in adherence with the Commissioner’s priority agenda in pursuit of integrity development and quality management.

Republic of the Philippines

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